Fairphone 3 (FP3) Port
@anditor Hm no, that seems not right:
If this kernel would be able to run anbox, there would be displayed "Kernel: OK".BUT: Even if it was "OK", it is currently not possible to do
anbox-tool install
, because it says, that the installation is not supported on arm64 devices yet. So this is no priority now, I just prepared the kernel, in case we will be ableto install anbox some time in the future.Back to the current build: I also installed the latest one and I have the same issues as you described. It seems that I messed something up.
I first need to take a look and will inform you, if a new build is testable. -
I think it is better to keep this thread clean...
So please just open a new thread for specific issues. Thanks. -
@luksus Ok, thanks, i will try this
Thanks for feedback @luksus . The build from last night was still the December Kernel.
Well, I will wait until you tell me/us there is a fixed one.
because it says, that the installation is not supported on arm64 devices yet
Ok thats not what I expected to hear. But thanks for clarify it. And of course, I can understand. There are still more important issues have to fix first.
Thanks for you work and time to port UbuntuTouch to FP3.
Hello Luksus, hello everyone
I tried to flash Ubuntu Touch many times, using different artifacts, but it's not working. Maybe I missed something. Here is the steps I did :- Fairphone 3 unlocked
- Fastboot OK
- Flashing Android 9 stock image successful (I boot Android 9 to check, and it's working)
- Then, I went to fastboot again, and flashed both boot.img and system.img from different artifacts
- When I reboot, there is Fairphone bootscreen with "powered by android" on the bottom, and nothing happen.
I hope you can help me. It's been years I follow Ubports and I'm so thankfull you work on Fairphone 3 port LuksusMany thanks for that.
@louisoquinn Great, that you give it a try.
But I fear you are hitting the same dead end like there:
(the thread-title does not fit anymore though).And I have no solution yet.
Honestly my hope is, that some android/flashing-experienced user, who has the same issue could investigate this further... :crossed_fingers:
Because I cannot reproduce it on my Fairphone. -
@luksus Alright, yeah I saw that post
Even with older artifacts it seems that it's not working.
Let me know if I can do anything to help you by doing some tests (I'm not a dev, just a fan), and I hope these issues will be fixed soon -
Thank you for your port.
I succeed to install the last version of the port without difficulty (master artifact from 4 days ago).I have one issue, the sound doesn't work when calling or when looking at a youtube video. I know that at the top of the installation there is a warning :Β " audio-module do currently not work with this port" but in the working section, the sound seems to work (Cellular: Incoming, outgoing calls is working, Sound : microphone/volume control workβ¦)
When I press the volume up and down, nothing happen.
So, does the sound work on this port ?
If necessary, IΒ could open a new post.
@altor it is not working for the new FP3+ modules.
The working section therefor depends on the "older" FP3 model.Do you have an FP3+ or FP3 with newer modules?
@luksus hello,
Indeed, I have the fp3+... So everything is normal. -
Small Update:
Since today's update, automatic display brightness should work.
Either install latest OTA Update (only if it is smaller than 500MB) or flash one of the lates builds, see first post in this topic.
I am trying to build for FP3 using the instructions at
I am stuck at this line, as the directory fairphone/sdm632 does not exist.
"missing exfat modules: cd into kernel/fairphone/sdm632 and do: git submodule update --init --recursive"
Under ~/halium/kernel, I only have configs and test.
Did I miss any prerequisite? -
@rd440 Hi, looks like I forgot to mention, that you have to do another
repo sync
after adding the manifest file. Then the sources, given in the manifest, will be downloaded.
For further questions regarding building, please start a new topic, thanks. -
I just created an initial post for my FP3+ Port.
Look here: https://forums.ubports.com/post/48578. -
Hey @Luksus, I'm affraid links in first post are broken. Download links give error 404. I managed to navigate through GitLab and download needed files manually from CI but it would be nice to have links working
@janez Thanks. I updated the builds and now the links are working again.
Hey @all,
would some of you, with an FP3 and old camera modules, like to try the Halium 10 port and tell me what you are missing compared to the Halium 9 port (this thread)?
If you want to try it, it is probably needed to upgrade your phone to Android 10.
I prepared an Android 10 stock rom in a way, that it will not wipe your userdata partition, which means that you should be able to use your phone as before after flashing the Halium 10 port or reflashing with Halium 9 or whatever...If you are not using Ubuntu Touch currently, it is possible that a data wipe is needed to make UT start.
It is still always recommended to have a backup of your data!
You can download it here: https://www.androidfilehost.com/?fid=7161016148664787652
Extract it, boot your phone into fastboot mode and execute the "flash_all" script, which matches your OS.
Then you need to stay at fastboot mode and flash the latest system and boot images (which need to be extracted) from this download:
https://gitlab.com/luksus42/fairphone_fp3/-/jobs/artifacts/halium-10.0/download?job=devel-flashableIf you want to revert to the Halium 9 image, then it should be enough to flash the android 9 stock vendor image (https://www.androidfilehost.com/?fid=7161016148664787632) to the vendor partition and then flash the latest images from the initial post of this thread.
I cannot download this file:
You can download it here: https://www.androidfilehost.com/?fid=7161016148664787652
I have tried German and Poland
. I have tried under Linux and Android
Did you checked the link? I have tried all mirrors -
@luksus now its downloading after 10 times.....crazy