
  • The Meta category: Organizational or general discussion.

    1k Topics
    9k Posts
    @peat_psuwit said in On the subject of Ubuntu Touch versioning scheme: In the Board of Trustees meeting on 4th February, I've brought the release version numbering up as a discussion topic. The attendees considered the comments on this post and have agreed that it's important to still reference Ubuntu version in our versioning scheme, while it would be beneficial development-wise to have a major-minor release system in place. As such, we've come up with a versioning scheme of "Ubuntu Touch [Ubuntu version]-[release version]" (a variant of option 3). For example, the next version of Ubuntu Touch would be referred to as "Ubuntu Touch 24.04-1.0". We believe this versioning scheme is both understandable and practical. I know I'm too late to the party; but if you're already staying this close to the current naming scheme why not go all the way to 24.04 OTA-1.0? Everyone is familiar with that naming convention already, and introducing a minor version number is "backwards" compatible by calling every previous OTA-x.0 if needed. And soon when UT reaches version parity with ubuntu 24.04 the colloquial OTA-x(.y) will be back in action offering an easy shortcut to identify the current release. Aka I'm getting old and grumpy, but I really can't stand the relentless reshuffling of naming schemes that usually offer no improvement and just increase the mental load on trying to figure out wtf is going on again
  • Discuss news updates from Ubuntu Touch and its related projects

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    Hi @Mario.CH Sorry we didn't take your question during the live show. We didn't think it was the right place. But you raise a valid point, I actually share the same concern and raised a similar topic (before reading your question) to the board of trustees. I hope we can make things better on this front. But it's a complex topic and it takes time to find the right answer.
  • Discuss and solve problems with other users

    4k Topics
    27k Posts
    Hi everyone, I've made a post a couple of months ago regarding ARM TrustZone support (can be found here. In short: I wanted to research working with ARM TrustZone on non-Android devices, and as there seemed to be almost no documentation available I asked here. Now, after a quite some time of back-and-forth I've got some insights on the architecture and links between the different components (ARM TrustZone/Trusted Execution Engine -> Kernel -> Secure/Rich OS). The goal of this post is two-fold: Share the stuff I've learned so it hopefully helps others treading the same or a similar path. Verify my assumptions and possibly help me answer one or two questions, which are solely regarding building a binary using the UT built libraries that Android also has (most notably the keymaster stuff). Regarding the first point: An Android install utilizing a Trusted Execution Environment (which is every phone nowadays) looks like the following from an OS perspective: [image: 1739032489016-android.png] Quick Explanation: The Rich OS is the userspace, here all apps reside and run. The Trusted Execution Environment is strictly separated from the Rich OS, only exposing API functions as provided in a TEE Client API The Kernel is able to communicate with both the Rich OS and TEE. Now, my assumption regarding an Ubuntu Touch installation looked something like this: [image: 1739032708351-ut_assumption.png] As you can see, in this image, all components (Rich OS, Kernel and TEE) have been replaced with Ubuntu Touch variants. This led me to believe that Ubuntu Touch would have a documented TEE Client API (which was not the case). After some more research, I realised that Ubuntu Touch is not reimplementing all the stuff Android provides in their libraries (i.e. hidl definitions, keymaster etc). Instead, it only compiles them against the Ubuntu Touch libc++. This can easily be verified: Take any Android shared object file, locate the same file on Ubuntu Touch and from a terminal use nm: nm -D -C <.so-file> This results in the outputting of all symbols in their respective files. For Android, the namespace they're compiled into is std::__ndk1, which is the namespace used for bionic. For Ubuntu Touch, the namespace is std::__1, which is the libc++ namespace. As a conclusion, after installing Ubuntu Touch the system (to my knowledge) looks like this: [image: 1739033367916-ut.png]. This means that theoretically, all the Android shared objects are still there and should work as expected (given some restrictions). At this point, I've tried cross-compiling a simple C++ binary for Ubuntu Touch. Not a problem whatsoever, as long as I don't use any of the more exotic libraries (keymaster from android/hardware/keymaster/3.0/ in my case). This is where it all starts to get a little hairy: No matter what I do, I am unable to build a binary utilizing an android library for Ubuntu Touch. I tried cross-compiling compiling natively on the phone inside of a libertine container Compiling against the Android NDK and changing the namespace to match the symbols present in Ubuntu Touch libraries None have worked so far, with only two options left: I have overlooked something essential, as the Ubuntu Touch platform has to have a way to compile for their own platform (or we would be using std::__ndk1 stuff still). Have some sort of compatibility layer (I know about Halium). In regards to this: I've found some stuff about libhybris which might be helpful, but documentation is sparse. This is also where my questions come in: Can any of you offer insight on if libhybris could possibly solve my problem? Any insight is very welcome, sorry for the long and detailed post Thank you all in advance! TL;DR: Trusted Execution Environment is a great thing, documentation is sparse. How do I build a native binary using .so files that Android also has, but are newly compiled for Ubuntu Touch/How do I use libhybris?
  • 2k Topics
    17k Posts
    Vlad NirkyV
    @yannesc You are welcome on Telegram Yes the firmware in the second message is a good choice but the first should work too (i have used this one). I have used miflash to install firmware. And if you have alreadu used UT, you know that the phone must be unlocked.
  • Discussions on development of Ubuntu Touch

    489 Topics
    6k Posts
    Vlad NirkyV
    @arubislander No problem. Thank you.
  • Discuss the user experience or design of Ubuntu Touch or its apps

    163 Topics
    2k Posts
    Hi @Capsia , Thanks to you and any others for the excellent work on the websites! I hope this is an ok topic to post this in. I didn't find much else pertaining to website discussion. (TL;DR - I'm suggesting a Donate button next to porter/maintainer names on each Devices page of the website.) Recently I tried to donate to my device's porter, and found it hard to find how to do so. I tracked down his Paypal eventually, but it took some searching, and it might not be possible to find some porters. I thought if there were a Donate button on the website, similar to how there's an option on the OpenStore to donate to the app's developer, it might both remind people to donate, and make it easier to do so. I asked about this idea on Q&A #157 and Alfred and AppLee were both favourable toward it. But of course this requires work, and I have no skills with websites. I imagine it would require reworking the Contributors section on the Devices pages, and enabling an optional donate button next to the names of any contributors who'd like donations and who provide a link to their patreon/libera/whatever. It would get more complicated when there are many developers and maintainers. Who will the user donate to? Each of them? And is it weird if some of them request donations and others don't? But to me, it's still better to have the option, even if there are complications. Anyway, sorry to be making a suggestion with no way to help bring it about. But I wanted to float the idea out there, to keep our porters supported!
  • Creating Ubuntu Touch apps

    719 Topics
    7k Posts
    @danfro Hello. Did you make some progress to find a solution for a 'reading mode only' ?
  • Porting Ubuntu Touch to new devices

    471 Topics
    3k Posts
    @Luksus Here's the link
  • Lomiri, the operating environment for everywhere

    66 Topics
    563 Posts
    Dear Friends, Hope you will have a wonderful moments for your family and beloving people. I have a suggest for Lomiri Launcher which I have noticed while adding more indicators such as weather. It seems that notification indicators will be half or quarter appear (while remaining shape is hidden under the launcher). As per attached picture: [image: 1735469459801-123.png] I suggest that Lomiri Launcher (White Section) from the top of left corner to be removed and only (Blue Section) would be the edge of this launcher. This will prevent any cross might occur between additional indicator and the edge of the launcher it self. It is good to be considered in upcoming 24.04.
  • Discussion on translating Ubuntu Touch and its core apps

    56 Topics
    305 Posts
    @oya-g said in Japanese!!: Channel Update → 20.04Development has Japanese. My device is Pixel3a, so it is 4G compatible. The "development" channel is maybe not meant for day-to-day use, as it may be buggy and/or unstable. So really looking forward to japanese support arriving in stable. Note that even with a 4G compatible phone, you will not be able to do any phone calls inside japan, as the 4G protocol stack does not by itself support telephony. It only supports data. For telephony, you need VoLTE support, which is quite a messy affair, as it requires various firmware and software components to cooperate properly for calls to be routed over the 4G data layer (i.e. as VoIP call). UBports does not support that currently.
  • A place to discuss ideas for promoting Ubuntu Touch

    54 Topics
    710 Posts
    @Arnoldko About your question: UBports is a German foundation. And when I search for "public transport" at (app store for Ubuntu Touch (UT)) I see four German, two Spanish, one Norwegian, one American, one Hungarian and one Swiss app(s). So you have maybe slightly more people who know some things about UT in this countries, but I do not think that this is significant. It probably depends more on what you want to do and how you want to structure your company (How closely do HW and SW teams need to work together? Where is the head of your company? Is this a commercial project?...). If your hardware team also takes care of firmware and drivers and you are only searching for some people who write some apps for you, you should find people who can do some C++, Qt and server stuff nearly everywhere. Specifically for Ubuntu Touch, you could maybe post a job description in this forum and let the people work from home. Some time ago some people related to Volla did a fundraiser to bring Android apps to UT. They commissioned some Russian developer and it was very successful. So maybe this could also be an option for you: About no phone numbers: A lot of messengers and other services depend on verification via SMS. This is maybe something you want to consider. About using UT as a base: Please be aware that Ubuntu Touch has some limitations and depending on what you want to do (how much you want to modify the system), it could maybe be more convenient to start with something else (like Debian). There are currently also some people working on Lomiri (the desktop environment of Ubuntu Touch) for Debian. But this very much depends on what you want to do.
  • Other Projects

    Projects which are started by a group within the UBports community

    64 Topics
    373 Posts
    The last step installs the rootfs usually in system partition, see the install section of the porting documention. Basically flash the latest xenial image from the CI to system. Alternatively push the image with adb to /data/system.img when booted to recovery. Otherwise you could try ubports installer with only the systemimage:install command. You can also see the halium-install source code, particularly these lines. Be sure to check if this partition exists as partition schemes can vary.
  • For things that just don't fit in the other categories.

    813 Topics
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    It's not on the installer and a quick online search shows no one is working on a port. This means you are going to have to do it yourself which requires skill, tenacity and time. Check out the documentation on porting.