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    8 Posts

    I am using Ubuntu Touch on Shift6mq.
    I like to swap between Wifi Data and Mobile Data.
    The Wifi Data usually gives me a list of Networks and which one is connected.
    However, turning off Wifi Data, then turning on Mobile Data; then access internet, then turn off Mobile Data; then Power off and Power back on:
    The Wifi Data is set on, but there is no list of Networks. Access to previously accessed Networks does not work.

    I have not found a way to reactivate the Wifi Network from this condition.
    Can anybody help?
    Steve D

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    @krang That's sad to hear …

    Though, I wouldn't lose hope just yet … maybe @amartinz and @Flohack know more about SHIFTs stand on this? According to the device page they contributed to the port alongside SHIFT GmbH.

    As a side note, there is also work done to bring up postmarketOS on SHIFT6mq in which @amartinz also seems to be involved! Although that might not be suitable for your daily use …

    (I'm also interested in Shiftphones regarding non-Android-OS-support, which is why I was having an eye on this subforum ;))