Hi @Capsia ,
Thanks to you and any others for the excellent work on the websites!
I hope this is an ok topic to post this in. I didn't find much else pertaining to website discussion.
(TL;DR - I'm suggesting a Donate button next to porter/maintainer names on each Devices page of the website.)
Recently I tried to donate to my device's porter, and found it hard to find how to do so. I tracked down his Paypal eventually, but it took some searching, and it might not be possible to find some porters.
I thought if there were a Donate button on the website, similar to how there's an option on the OpenStore to donate to the app's developer, it might both remind people to donate, and make it easier to do so.
I asked about this idea on Q&A #157 and Alfred and AppLee were both favourable toward it.
But of course this requires work, and I have no skills with websites. I imagine it would require reworking the Contributors section on the Devices pages, and enabling an optional donate button next to the names of any contributors who'd like donations and who provide a link to their patreon/libera/whatever.
It would get more complicated when there are many developers and maintainers. Who will the user donate to? Each of them? And is it weird if some of them request donations and others don't?
But to me, it's still better to have the option, even if there are complications.
Anyway, sorry to be making a suggestion with no way to help bring it about. But I wanted to float the idea out there, to keep our porters supported!