• New websites

    10 Votes
    31 Posts
    Hi @Capsia , Thanks to you and any others for the excellent work on the websites! I hope this is an ok topic to post this in. I didn't find much else pertaining to website discussion. (TL;DR - I'm suggesting a Donate button next to porter/maintainer names on each Devices page of the website.) Recently I tried to donate to my device's porter, and found it hard to find how to do so. I tracked down his Paypal eventually, but it took some searching, and it might not be possible to find some porters. I thought if there were a Donate button on the website, similar to how there's an option on the OpenStore to donate to the app's developer, it might both remind people to donate, and make it easier to do so. I asked about this idea on Q&A #157 and Alfred and AppLee were both favourable toward it. But of course this requires work, and I have no skills with websites. I imagine it would require reworking the Contributors section on the Devices pages, and enabling an optional donate button next to the names of any contributors who'd like donations and who provide a link to their patreon/libera/whatever. It would get more complicated when there are many developers and maintainers. Who will the user donate to? Each of them? And is it weird if some of them request donations and others don't? But to me, it's still better to have the option, even if there are complications. Anyway, sorry to be making a suggestion with no way to help bring it about. But I wanted to float the idea out there, to keep our porters supported!
  • Test alternative pin code prompt - system settings integration

    6 Votes
    64 Posts
    Hi Just want to tell everybody that this feature has been implemented and has been for a long time. you find it under: Settings/Security & Privacy/Locking & unlocking/Lock security/Passcode/Circle pattern
  • Lock Screen + Home Screen Different Wallpaper Feature

    0 Votes
    8 Posts
    @arubislander Thanks for the reply and all the the best for UT developers for an outstanding efforts.
  • Phone and Tablet Models for ubuntu touch

    9 Votes
    22 Posts
    @Lga Excellent! Thank you! I will do so, and see if it might be useful for them
  • change the ubuntu touch logo

    0 Votes
    11 Posts
    Yes it looks like it is "updated", and that is because most modern things are soulless representations of their prior art. Canonical rolled out yet another attempt at recreating itself. It wants to sell you things, and it is a closely knit business-first venture. It has little to nothing to do with what UBPorts is doing. It wasn't so much that they tried to find somewhere new to go, they were already there and the logo didn't match. Their own guidelines say to use colours to represent community. Their colour is orange. This means the community is around the project, not inside of it. Again a question of alignment. The newest logo looks looks left-aligned by mistake, which was a smaller problem in the first attempt to recreate it. The square and negative space logo is already out of date. It is a cheap trick to get as much real-estate out of available (often square) space available. It works if you can own the colour, and it is a question of making sure "brand awareness" hits often and hard. No elegance to it at all. Not saying it doesn't work, but that is what it is. Rip away the gimmicks and it is evident how poor an attempt it is. The newest logo has no acuity. There is now what looks like a compound curve because of the edge smoothing next to the faces, which is the entire thing to avoid in the first place. This happens when you don't understand design, and you don't understand the design you are working with. The size diminishes, it is harder to make out, and the air and composition of the elements are now gone. Without the stopgap logo in between, the same generational corruption is now total. It is pretty bad when a stock-logo when searching for "three people in circle logo" is better than two attempts at changing something that worked. [image: depositphotos_229174318-stock-illustration-three-entrepreneurs-and-business-people.jpg] Logically the next iteration will be three people leaning all the way in for a time-out pep-talk amongst themselves. That or they understand to make the hands two smaller balls at each side, so it looks like someone is actually holding hands and not hunched over each-other. Or the circle gets fatter, and it is just cut-outs for heads in two curved cutouts for each head. Effectively the "hands" just grow, to the same width as the original logo. My money is on this one since it has even less entropy, and in less than 5 years.
  • I wanna go home

    13 Votes
    66 Posts
    When these "modern" OS-es start, the clean desktop is shown, meaning the user knows it is there, and for some reason the starting state is off limits if there is one or more programs open. elementaryOS also does this. Even the keyboard shortcut to show the desktop is removed. The section isn't even there anymore. Would be interesting to see what kind of problems people think they are solving by implementing this. It is 100% against convention of anyone touching a computer or device the last 30 years. The upside seems to be not accidentally minimizing something you are working on. It is also not how the system the user is familiar with and is using has functioned in the past. For my own sake I will say this makes me think of something I know I can use, into something where I think I can't figure it out and no change was needed. And no, it just isn't possible anymore. No explanation. The mind compartmentalizes information in structural hierarchies, and the spatial awareness to keep track of this is something you can do with cognition, but the ability to look at a clean slate actually has function. It is the closest thing you get to seeing where your files are by default. Yes, that place someone decided no files are to be shown, before they decided file hierarchy is something the user shouldn't do. There is a serenity to having just a clean slate to go back to. It is as familiar, and not having what you are doing visible on the screen is useful. It also has the benefit of vested interest and familiarity in that the user often changes the desktop. Thus making it their machine.
  • "Desktop" should be background-picture + Icons

    1 Votes
    30 Posts
    @Moem LMFAO
  • One pixel space in some apps on phone

    0 Votes
    1 Posts
    No one has replied
  • Bluetooth UI/Implementation Improvements (suggestions/thoughts)

    2 Votes
    3 Posts
    @PhoenixLandPirat The system app items seems to be the most doable The indicator ones would be nice to. Not sure how to do that now since we use Ayatana upstream if I am not mistaken.
  • More intelligent Keyboard

    4 Votes
    12 Posts
    Regarding the glide/swipe keyboard, there was a project called skeyer, but I don't know its current state or how to run it. https://www.youtube.com/shorts/o0g6Ks6sg1Y https://bitbucket.org/skeyer/skeyer/src/master/
  • 0 Votes
    19 Posts
    @AppLee said in Busy, crowded app overview; Can Ubuntu Touch be converted to an iPhone interface?: @Cycle-Maniac said in Busy, crowded app overview; Can Ubuntu Touch be converted to an iPhone interface?: I am definitely not an Apple fanboy. But as nice and intuitive as iOS (and macOS) work; It really is unbeatable. Sorry to disagree, but I think you've mistaken intuitive and "used to". :beaming_face_with_smiling_eyes: Because never in a thousand years would I have figured about a diagonal draw... UI design of a smartphone is not just about "graphical design", you also have to deal with technical constraints (that can be overcome with time and money) and mostly subjectivity. Everyone is different and everyone find great things in both iOS and Android, but no one has not a complaint and wish something was different or more like X or Y. Having the drawer less crowded means less apps visible at a glance hence scrolling or typing action. I thin @kugiigi is right about masking the launcher when the drawer is expended but the transition might be weird... I thing if the drawer had the same spacing between icons you might feel it is a bit more calming and pleasing (I feel it could be an answer to your issue) but many will probably say that before they had all their favorite apps right there and now they have to scroll... So really not a simple question. If you come up with a mockup and if someone is willing to try and implement it, I guess we can have a poll and decide to mainstream it or make it available to tweak this out. Exactly! I love intuitive designs too and I too am a normal user (and 31 years old, so not an old geezer!), but iOS is not intuitive for me (and Android is even worse). Ubuntu Touch is way more intuitive to me, including the app drawer. I love the app drawer and launcher so much as they currently are, so please don't change that! Or if it's changed, at least provide an option to keep the current workflow for people like me.
  • new design of login pin screens

    1 Votes
    5 Posts
    @nibzy26 You'll have to change your lock security option to Passcode from the settings too
  • Login screen/Code input Design

    Locked Solved
    1 Votes
    122 Posts
    @carrabelloy Please don't necro this thread for a comment that will earn you another warning to use English on the forum. I will lock this thread now, as it has served its purpose by now.
  • Call and message icons

    1 Votes
    23 Posts
    @Josele13 said in Call and message icons: maybe add in notifications the possibility of disconnecting the numbers in the icons. That sounds like a good suggestion to me.
  • Lomiri: new light theme?

    0 Votes
    4 Posts
    @ManuelBoe said in Lomiri: new light theme?: Is there a new shell theme for Lomiri? The screenshots for PocketVM show Lomiri with a light theme. [image: pvms.me.fredl-screenshot-ae62f0b0-758c-4432-a355-3a0a4f28f155.png] https://open-store.io/app/pvms.me.fredl Looks good. I would like this for my HP elite 2 in 1. got a RedHat installed on it. Because you have acquired like Cannonical at Microsoft licenses for the bootloader. Let's see if that links me as well.
  • Redshift for night time

    11 Votes
    13 Posts
    @chan1234 Redshift does not work on UT. See this thread for more context as to why not
  • Pin code removal of 4 digits limitation

    2 Votes
    25 Posts
    I love this idea. Im very used to 6 diget codes nowadays so id love this to come to ubuntu touch.
  • This topic is deleted!

    0 Votes
    6 Posts
  • Cell Broadcast: Looking for alert sounds proposition

    0 Votes
    4 Posts
    No specific proposal, only on the principle of customizable sound alerts.
  • Lomiri suggestion

    0 Votes
    8 Posts
    To be more specific, lets call it an idea from the perspective of a passionated user. I just wanted to describe what i personally want from a mobile device. Since ubuntu touch is already based around the sidebar, one might think it could be well suited for this idea. But maybe i am the only one impressed by this. I think i got the part with the top-left-os. That sounds not as easy as adding 2 lines of code. Btw i planning to invest in a new device. On top of the list are the poco x3 pro for its screen refresh rate and the galaxy s10e for its size and build quality. For now it seems more convinient to choose the later for reaching over to the left side.