[Porting] Call for Testers
@flohack It seems the images have been removed from the nextcloud server, which is too bad, because your halium-boot and vendor images were also working with droidian.
I've been struggling to build and package the kernel myself, but your images work.
If you get a chance to rebuild, would you please add waydroid support? All you need in your defconfig is
CONFIG_ANDROID_BINDER_DEVICES="binder,hwbinder,vndbinder,anbox-binder,anbox-hwbinder,anbox-vndbinder".I have it working on my bootimage, but it has other problems.
@preflex Mobile data was also working on droidian with your halium-boot. It's really flaky though. I'm not sure what the trick is to get it to connect.
SMS was also working.
Voice calls would connect, but no audio.
No bluetooth.
Everything else seemed to work.
I have Nexus 6P just flashed with OTA-18, would love to help in testing :thumbs_up:
@preflex I can put them up again but they were heavily outdated
you are better off loading them from here: https://ci.ubports.com/job/UBportsCommunityPortsJenkinsCI/job/ubports%252Fcommunity-ports%252Fjenkins-ci%252Fmarlin-sailfish/job/main/ - you can use boot right away, and vendor is inside the tar.gz file on the same page.
With that you always get the latest possible versions. -
@flohack Thanks!
@flohack Curiously, the newer boot.img just bootlooped when trying to load droidian.
When building my own kernel based on your repo, I had problems with the dtbs. After patching in the dtbs from your old kernel, i was able to get it to boot (and get waydroid running), but had no wifi.
@preflex Strange. I did only one commit on the kernel config lately:
Maybe those SELinux changes are doing that? It seems to work for UT. -
@flohack Can you come to a detailed installation tutorial?
@hy I will try on the weekend, to refresh it once more, yes.
@flohack Thanks!
@flohack i am referencing https://pad.ubports.com/p/HaliumHowToTestInstall which mentions a
, however i don't see a system.img in Jenkins. am i missing something? i'd love to try this out on my sailfish device. -
@khimaros the problem is that on Jenkins there is only an integrated .tar.gz which cannot be used for the Halium install method. I will create an updated one an post here again where to get it.
So I mader a new round of images here: https://twoot.bin.org.in/nextcloud/index.php/s/iAZDDkRYYAiN6Kk - tell me if that works better
for those seeing a bunch of garbage in the instructions, this link seems to show @Flohack's original version of the document https://pad.ubports.com/p/HaliumHowToTestInstall/timeslider#419
@flohack thank you! it boots, touchscreen good, WiFi working, front and back camera are functional w/ reasonable white balance, screen off/on fine, loudspeaker playing youtube with no stutter, volume rockers working. overall really solid experience! let me know if there's anything specific you would like feedback on.
@flohack does the halium-boot.img have debugging enabled? i'm trying to use the same boot image to test out droidian and need to troubleshoot some early stage init issues. not seeing any iSerial results with lsusb.
@khimaros you mean to have access via RNDIS or telnet?
@flohack whatever would let me instrument very early stage boot. do you have the instructions you are using to build halium-boot for sailfish handy? anything beyond the standard halium-9.0 build process?
@khimaros if you only want to test halium-boot first the instructions are actually quite okayish for Halium 9. You basically sync the tree, add the device manifest and then just let it build
- if you flash it without rootfs.img and system.img you can boot it, and it will drop into emergency telnet mode
If you add rootfs but no system.img it will normally boot into rootfs and you should get RNDIS ssh -
@flohack -- thank you. are the device manifests you merged in https://github.com/Halium/halium-devices/pull/282 sufficient? i ran into some build errors and wondered if there were some additional steps/patches i was missing.