RC updates begin shipping again February 12
Yes!!! Thank you, thank you, thank you!
Is everything ok with the build? So far I can see only bacon has the new rc version: http://system-image.ubports.com/16.04/rc/
It is working exactly as expected on my OPO.
@Giiba Yes, OPO (bacon) is the only one that got the update so far...
Yes indeed, it appears the job failed after shipping the update for the OnePlus One. We'll continue working on it and I'll update you all when it's working again.
Thank you again for all the great work you are doing!
We try today night again to blast out an RC
It worked perfect!!! What a great job and a beautiful product!
Please include https://github.com/ubports/morph-browser/pull/273 in OTA12 or not being to use <select> will be a huge regression from OTA11.
As with all previous updates, you'll know when we're about to release OTA-12. The machinery has not gone into effect yet, this is still testing. It's just testing by more hands.
@Fla that pull request is in dev as of last night and should be in rc for next week. Well before OTA12.