Ubuntu Touch OTA-15 Changelog
Hi, folks!
What follows is a near-complete list of changes from Ubuntu Touch team members between OTA-14 and OTA-15. It does not include changes to core apps, though. OTA-15 is slated for release on Wednesday, December 16.
Better prose release notes will be available on the UBports Blog, as always.
I compile these manually with a GitHub search, so please let me know if you think of a better way...
I spared you the changes to Jenkins configuration files for many, many components. I also left off the many changes to make our build infrastructure better in general. Those likely aren't interesting to you as a user of Ubuntu Touch but they do make our contributors' lives easier!
- Implement RIL quirks for Samsung MSM822x devices: ubports/ofono#8
- Add more hardcoded languages, so system-settings can be translated into more languages: ubports/system-settings#29
- Fix translations for indicator-session (for real this time): ubports/indicator-session#6
[Luca Weiss]
- Fix ubuntu-download-manager tests, fixes ubports/ubuntu-download-manager#3: ubports/ubuntu-download-manager#24
[Joan "Cibersheep"]
- Change system-settings dividers to theme colors from hardcoded colors: ubports/system-settings#233
- Replace morph-browser icon: ubports/morph-browser#343
- Change some styling inside morph-browser to better fit the system: ubports/morph-browser#366
- Make Lomiri notification buttons follow system HIG: ubports/unity8#336
- Make Dialer more usable in landscape mode, fixes ubports/dialer-app#6 and ubports/dialer-app#136: ubports/dialer-app#140
[Mateo Salta]
- Make system-settings language selection fit in with platform design: ubports/system-settings#234
[Kugi Eusebio]
- Make brightness slider in system-settings non-interactive when automatic brightness is enabled, fixes ubports/system-settings#204: ubports/system-settings#237
- Update URL entry, bookmark, history colors to match user-selected theme: ubports/morph-browser#409
[Ratchanan Srirattanamet]
- Add Thai keyboard with no prediction support, fixes ubports/keyboard-component#122: ubports/keyboard-component#130
- Fix triggering calls outside of Telepathy, for example via a Bluetooth headset's "Redial" button: ubports/telephony-service#14
- Fix sending USSD codes on Android9 devices and the PinePhone, fixes ubports/ubuntu-touch#1592: ubports/telepathy-ofono#18
- Fix sending SMS/MMS notifications with an incorrect "received" time: ubports/telepathy-ofono#19
[Chris Clime]
- Remove workarounds for issues inside morph-browser which have been fixed elsewhere: ubports/morph-browser#353
- Add Metager search engine to Morph Browser: ubports/morph-browser#369
- Sort domain permissions by the most-recently accessed domain by default, fixes ubports/morph-browser#383: ubports/morph-browser#384
- Allow JavaScript to access the Ubuntu Touch clipboard, fixes ubports/morph-browser#389: ubports/morph-browser#390
[Dalton Durst]
- Make any future API break of 'OffTheRecord' inside of Morph.Web explicit: ubports/morph-browser#376
- Fix flaky MenuBar test: ubports/unity8#338
- Fix flaky NarrowView test: ubports/unity8#339
- Fix fetching contacts for missed calls on arm64 devices, fixes ubports/ubuntu-touch#1561: ubports/telephony-service#16
- Fix handling of ALSA UCM files, needed for the PinePhone kernel upgrade: ubports/pulseaudio-packaging#6
[Daniel Kutka]
- Implement a new swipe-to-close interface in morph-browser while also fixing tab previews, fixes ubports/morph-browser#119 and ubports/morph-browser#325: ubports/morph-browser#382
[Michele "mymike00"]
- Add an icon to the "Brightness" menu item in System Settings -> Battery: ubports/system-settings#257
- Use the system's DatePicker instead of creating our own in system-settings: ubports/system-settings#259
- Use theme's color to dim Dialog backgrounds: ubports/ubuntu-ui-toolkit#99
[Lionel Duboeuf and "jEzEk"]
- Show an error when an MMS arrives but it was not downloaded properly: ubports/nuntium#3, ubports/telephony-service#13, ubports/messaging-app#248, ubports/nuntium#4, ubports/nuntium#5, ubports/nuntium#6, ubports/nuntium#7.
[Lionel Duboeuf]
- Ensure Dialer's call backend is ready before trying to display a live call, fixing crashes, fixes ubports/ubuntu-touch#195: ubports/dialer-app#134
- Fix showing user avatars when messages are opened from notifications, fixes ubports/messaging-app#246: ubports/messaging-app#247
- Fix hidden header of call info screen which allows calling or messaging the listed caller, fixes ubports/dialer-app#78: ubports/dialer-app#141
[Rodney "Dobey"]
- Fix typo in libertine-container-manager, fixes ubports/libertine#89: ubports/libertine#97
- Simplify lookup of icons for click packages: ubports/system-settings#267