UBTouch on Win10 vitalASC?
I understand that UBTouch can only go on particular devices (because of hardware?) and I know my vitalASC isn't a common tablet-laptop, but was wishing on a little star that it might still work. I grew up on Windows (from the beginning if I am to show my age) and truly, passionately dislike Win10.
Since I've been waiting to find a device I wouldn't shed a tear over if it became a trouble machine so I could start the transition to Ubuntu, I thought this device would be perfect. The specs are as follows:
vitalASC JME-2IN1-X511AS
Processor: Intel Atom Z9300 1.8 GHz Processor (I read the newest release, 16.04.3 LTS, requires 2GHz Dual Core)
Built-In-Storage (HD?): 32GB Nand(?) FlashThank you for any and all help!
there are two posts that might be of interest for you:
- https://forums.ubports.com/topic/471/x86-x86_64-tablet-or-qemu-support
- https://forums.ubports.com/topic/514/simulating-a-ubports-16-04-on-x86-hardware-or-vm-work-in-progress
HOWEVER in short there is currently no ubports available for yor tablet. If you just want to play with Linux (especially Ubuntu) i would advice to go to http://linuxiumcomau.blogspot.de/ and download the "isorepsin.sh" make it executable (in terminal type
chmod +x isorespin.sh
) and then download Ubuntu 16.04 or KDE Neon 16.04 as *.iso and respin (in terminal./isorespin.sh
) them with the newest kernel and the baytrail/cherrytrail/atom enhancements (You will know what i am talking about here when you try the script ;-)). If you choose Ubuntu 16.04 and want to test the Look and Feel that also Ubports uses or will use in the future, you have to follow the yunit install guide (https://yunit.io/yunit-packages-for-ubuntu-16-04-lts-xenial/). If you choose KDE Neon, you will have the KDE environment which has more or less the same base (Qt) bu takes a different approach to convergence.
For both expect issues with your Touchscreen and maybe additional hardware! Also you will currently not be able to use the touch-friendly apps from the openstore that are used on phones. All of this may change in the (hopefully) near future so stay tuned!
Hope this helps, BR
PS: if you use the respin tool, consider donating to Ian Morrison from Linuxium! (I am not him and in no way affiliated by the way ;-D) -
@demokrit Thank you for your reply!
I did read the the two posts (understood some of it lol) and am currently downloading the Atom iso with the sh after. I am not worried about the touchscreen or any apps that might use it and the tablet/laptop has a keyboard and touch mouse (at least with Windows I used to know all the keyboard shortcuts). I am more interested in getting my hands on any Ubuntu flavor to start my learning curve with the terminal, shell, file management, etc and have a good idea for the hardware I'll need when I build my own computer next year.
@demokrit I am hoping you can help me? I read over the post about the isorepshin.sh, I downloaded the appropriate files and can't open the sh. I am wondering if I need an Ubuntu OS to run it?
@GeekyGirl36 I am no expert either but let's see if we can make this work. (i only use Ubuntu based distros on a daily basis so i have no experience with using this tool on other OSes) I know the linuxium Blog is a little bit confusing and to find the info you need is a lot harder than in any wiki so this is the page that describes the rationale behind the script and how to use it: http://linuxiumcomau.blogspot.de/2017/06/customizing-ubuntu-isos-documentation.html
On that page it says "Although it is expected to run the script on a Linux machine it also works on a Linux virtual machine on Windows". Whether Linux machine is meaning Ubuntu i cannot say, however i would recommend running a virtual machine with Ubuntu 16.04 or 17.04 and doing the respinning inside. (In the comments someone used the script on DeepinOS which is Debian based and had to do a little workaround to get it working so using a Virtual Ubuntu sounds like the least troublesome option....) You
Which OS are you working on? Perhaps i am bridleing the horse from it's back here (is this a proverb in english too?) and we should start from your point of view and not me throwing links and bits of advice at you ;-D
And how did you try opening the script?
Ah and last but not least, what do you mean by "downloading the Atom iso"?
@demokrit I will check out the link you posted, thank you!
Currently I have a Chromebook and the tablet/computer running Windows 10 which is the one that I'd like to use as the Linux/Ubuntu machine. I can possibly talk a friend into letting me use his computer to run a virtual Linux if need be, but I hope I can do it on my own so I learn how to do it, but I totally understand if it is not possible. lol Yes we have a saying beating the horse to death which is similar to bridling the horse . . . we just have a darker tone.
I didn't try opening the script, as I have learned it is better to read, re-read and then read the instructions again before attempting anything technical . . . as long as you don't want to cause yourself more trouble then when you started.
There was two downloads for the iso for two different CPUs, I downloaded the one for my machine.
Thank you again for all your help!
@GeekyGirl36 i am glad to help
sorry for my delayed response, it sometimes takes a while for me to get some spare time for everything...
I think if you test doing this on your own is a very good idea. To set up a virtual Ubuntu you can follow this guide for example. This is generally something i can only recommend because you can, after setting up VirtualBox, download images from various flavours and see which desktop experience fits your needs the most. (if you have time i would recommend "vanilla" Ubuntu 16.04.3 which comes with unity 7, KDE Neon 16.04 for the KDE experience and maybe also Ubuntu 17.10 which uses GNOME by default as well as testing the vanilla 16.04 with the Yunit desktop installed to get the Ubports feeling) You can delete every Virtual machine(VM) after trying out a little and just create a new one for each distro so you don't get the "frankenstein" experience ;-P.
If you then decide on one of these, you can set up a new Virtual Ubuntu, copy your image and the isorespin script into shared space with that VM, chmod the script and execute it. Then burn your image to a thumbdrive (for example using https://etcher.io/) and install the Ubuntu flavour of your choice on your tablet/laptop.