Great you are trying Ubports out.
So it sounds like AppArmor permission problems. Hmm, but other apps are working?What did you flash your N5 with?
I flashed it using the instructions for the N5.
Getting it flashed was no problem at all. After I got it running and connected to Wifi, I noticed the web browser wouldn't load. It basically starts to load (you see the app icon for a second or two), but then it quickly closes and reverts back to the scope like nothing happened. I noticed the same behavior with gmail, inbox and uNav. Other than contacts, settings, and calculator ... few apps were functional. Thanks for the help.
OK. Stable channel is rather old at this point. I've had the best results with using current devel_rc-proposed but with rootfs of 7/28/2016. It's not straight forward how to do that though. I think very soon we will have better options available.
Let me know when the updated build is available. Thanks for the help!
I confirm that browser won't work on none of Nexus 5 builds in every trees
Music player doesn't work too
I am seeing this as well, particulatly in 3rd-party installable apps like Inbox, Google Maps, Calendar. My guess is that any apps that are essentially web-containers will not work. Terminal works though, so that may be a good place to start.
Flashing with rc-proposed does not yield any improvements and devel_rc-proposed's flashing process appears to be broken, but it looks like there were changes this morning, so I will try again later after new updates are visible.
@dehuszar Same situation
I tried both the stable and the rc-proposed, there's no improvements, apps can't access the internet connection, only the ubuntu store and the software updater can.
Hi Mates !
I just bought a LG Nexus 5 D821 on purpose to port Ubuntu-Touch.
10 minutes later, wow, it works !!!
Incoming call appears for few seconds then disappears without any possibilities to catch the call.
Web Browser don't works, like other apps.
Impossible to shut-down the device.
...And so on...Question: Does this port works ?
I am looking forward to reading friends :-))
PS: Of course, I've tried each build...
Thanks for posting to this thread. As mentioned previously the N5 build is quite old and buggy. I just bought a N5 also to load Ubuntu on, but unfortunately experienced all the same issues you're seeing (others are reporting the same). So fair to say the current N5 build is not stable. It sounds like they might work on providing an updated ROM that fixes all these issues. Looks like their is a decent amount of interest so hopefully a new N5 build will come soon. All the best!
Ok, thank you for informations.
The positive point is that it's so easy and fast to flash this device.
Will try again with next build...OTA-14 ?See you Mates :-))
@thofli Mee too, I just bought an used Nexus 5 to run Ubuntu because I've seen many demo videos on YouTube and they seemed to work fine
@dehuszar said in Browser won't run on Nexus 5:
devel_rc-proposed's flashing process appears to be broken
Yes, I've tried today and I confirm that it's broken
It works today
@giovanni.longo said in Browser won't run on Nexus 5:
@dehuszar said in Browser won't run on Nexus 5:
devel_rc-proposed's flashing process appears to be broken
Yes, I've tried today and I confirm that it's broken
That's great! Which branch, rc-proposed or devel_rc-proposed?
Hi Mates ;-))
Could you be more precise please ?
What's working ?
Calls ?
Web browser ?
Apps ?See you !
@maxmax Yesss! The devel_rc-proposed works! Web browser and other apps can correctly connect to the web, I'm so happy, this system is so cool
COOOooool !
Is someone tested it on LG Nexus 5 ?:-))
@izd I just have this morning. Indeed the browser works, but I've found a few issues. WiFi authentication no longer works for me. In previous versions I was able to log in to my secured networks, but using the latest updates I could only connect to an unsecured guest network. I also have found that the Browser crashes regularly doing fairly simple browsing tasks.