Telegram app in BQ E4.5
have a BQ E4.5 phone, ubuntu edition (ubuntu touch was the factory ROM), born with Telegram app preinstalled, which worked fine when I got the device, a few years ago. After the Canonical project ending, installed UBPorts (now with OTA 20) and, in this days, Telegram from the OpenStore app. My problem is that the native Telegram app does not work anymore, and the Telegram app installed from the OpenStore is the WEB version of Telegram. Unfortunately, until yesterday, had Telegram on an Android phone but today it bricked, so cannot read anymore the verification code Telegram send me to access my profile on the BQ E4.5. Is there a version of Telegram for UBPorts phones which is not the WEB version? Any other suggestion to use Telegram on my BQ E4.5 without having it on another device? Thanks so much! -
Have you tried the native version TELEports? I use it every day.
@moem thanks for you answer, never tried TELEports. Just read, now, on OpenStore, that it's a beta version with some issues. On you device, I guess, minor if you use it every day... Am I right? Anyway, I'm giving it a try... Both fingers crossed! Thanks again
Well yes, it is a beta, but it's really quite good. There are some features missing, but it is stable; I use it in tandem with TG Desktop on my laptop and desktop, and it's a rather seamless experience.
@moem Stable, that's enough...
TELEports GUI is a bit weird and not as good as Telegram on Android/Windows/Linux but it works as expected!
- 12 days later
You can also try running Telegram Desktop inside Libertine.
@rugby How? I tried and I can't