screen blinking during and after call
Hi all
When making (or receiving) a phone call there's a high chance that the screen starts flashing on and off. This won't stop even after the call ends and I either have to restart unity or the phone to get the screen back to normal. pressing the power button for wake-up / send to sleep doesn't works only to get me to the pin screen if at all.
Is that a known issues and is there as solution?
@gandalf I don't have a Fairphone, but this has never happened on any of my devices. It will most likely be down to the proximity sensor.
I experience the same with my fp3+. And also I had this with my bq e5. It can be related to the proximity sensor being troubled by automatic brightness. But I am not sure and need to check that.
@luksus Thanks for the info, that's good to know.
@luksus I do like auto brightness
the bug is not always present. When its the case I fight with the device to switch off the screen