Libertine, issues when installing some packages
Hello there.
I'm having troubles when trying to install some packages, such errors prevent me from any future installation and forces me to reset UT every time.
But, I hope I can solve the issues instead of starting fresh on every error.
The pattern is pretty much the same: I get errors in configuring these packages:- dnsmasq-base
- bluez
- pulseaudio-module-bluetooth
- avahi-daemon
- sane-utils
- libnss-mdns:arm64
- avahi-utils
Then, when trying to install anything else, these errors come back and prevent me from successfully install anything.
Please, help.
Have a nice day
Nevermind, I downgraded to Xenial and I no longer have any of the issues mentioned above
Well, there are reasons why Focal is in beta... and it always helps to say that you are using a beta, when asking for help.
@moem sorry, to be honest, I didn't knew it was in beta.
Thanks for your advice by the way. I'm so excited with Ubuntu Touch I'm missing a lot of points because of my rush