Ubuntu Touch Q&A 140 Call for Questions
Ubuntu Touch 140 is planned for this Saturday 11th May at 19:00 UTC and we would really appreciate your questions.
Please post them below, but remember that questions on porting to device **** or its status, and questions on bugs, will not be answered.
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@UBportsNews If Alfred is around tonight could you be so kind and report about your browser-project again?
When will the rootfs for Focal be added to Jenkins?
Say that one would like to patch a newer release of Android (Like 14 or 15) to build Ubports, are there any step-by-step instructions on how to do that on devices that isn't necessarily supported by the Treble project?
I'm interested in what to look for and how to help out. I'm not saying that I know much about patching, but I'm willing to learn how to patch Android branches for the future.
@messayisto Check this out. It has the browser demo in the video Q & A.
@MrT10001 thank you - I've watches the q&a yesterday!