Ubuntu Touch Q&A 142 call for questions
Ubuntu Touch 142 is this Saturday 8th June at 19:00 UTC. We really appreciate your questions and involvement in the Q&As, so please post your questions below and we will do our utmost to answer them.
Remember that questions on porting to device **** or its status, and questions on bugs, will not be answered.
U UBportsNews pinned this topic on
Excuse me, about VoLTE. What's going on with qcom's ims plugin?
Is qcom's ims plug-in also open source? -
@UBportsNews Are there plans to add a feature to block people by number on messages and calls?
First of all, thanks for the hard work invested by all UT contributors !I have 2 questions about the new web browser which is developped by Alfred :
- is there plans to include bookmark/password syncing ? And if there is, would it be possible to make it through firefox sync, like gnome epiphany did (now gnome web) ? I do not know the difficulty of adapting some existing code for this, but there is a big firefox user base out there, ability to keep the sync across devices would be awesome !
- Is there any plans to add some drm through widevine ?
Have a good one !
U UBportsNews referenced this topic on
U UBportsNews referenced this topic on
U UBportsNews referenced this topic on
Is there still no better way to encrypt user data on the device?
https://forums.ubports.com/topic/1012/one-method-to-encrypt-home-phabletWhen will Ubuntu Touch reach the standard of Android and iOs which other alternative mobile operating systems (such as SailfishOS) have also had for years?
For me, this is the last hurdle to using UT as a daily companion.
Thank you for your work!