Screen wakes up itself and stays awaken
@arubislander said in Screen wakes up itself and stays awaken:
@cheniek Not exactly, but it does answer my question. You flashed the stable update channel.
You could try switching to the RC channel in Settings -> Update -> Cog wheel in the upper right corner. A new RC image was released just today.
The update hasn't changed anything unfortunately.
@cheniek Then it would be interesting to hear if there are any other Experia X users experiencing the same. We'll have to wait and see.
@arubislander How about mirkok who wrote that has the same issue with his phone and ubuntu 16.04 installed on it?
@cheniek different phone with different version of the OS. Not really much to go on to extrapolate.
I am on a Pixel 3a on Focal for instance, and have never experienced what you describe.
@arubislander you say the the screen remains on only when on the lock-scteen? So if the device is unlocked then the screen does turn off eventually?
@arubislander when the phone is not locked goes off after 30 s. for instance and then get locked automatically and wakes up after 5 s. with locked screen.
@cheniek Then let's wait and see if there are any others.
@cheniek On the other hand, the issue must be quite annoying. Does your device have a fingerprint reader? Or is double tap to wake (dtfw) enabled?
@arubislander Xperia X has no fingerprint reader. The double click to wake screen up is not set.
@cheniek Then I am out of ideas.
If you are on Telegram, you could join the Xperia X group on UT. There are is a higher concentration of users of that device over there.
@arubislander thanks for the advice. I don't use Telegram at all but... maybe I will :).
Believe me or not but surprisingly my phone just stopped waking up by itself. I do not know if it is a matter of update (it didn't help straight away), but I didn't make any additional settings since that moment. The phone was just turned off yesterday and turned on again today, maybe this is the point. Anyway it seems that my main issue with ubuntu on Xperia X has been resolved. Thanks for all the help!
@cheniek Hi, I just wanted to let You know that the issue is back. I don't know what to think about it. I just installed some apps, nothink special, did some settings available from UI and that's it. It is not my first attempt to use ubuntu touch as a daily phone. I specially choosed xperia x as one of good ported phones easily accessible budget phone on the market. Previously I tried nexus 4. Both attempts weren't successful. If other xperia x users are able to use it as daily phone, please give me some advice how to prepare it. I'm big fan of open source and really want to use open operating system on my phone. I've been using gnu/linux on my laptop for the last 14 years and still not able to use it on my phone...
@cheniek hope it's fixed in OTA-5, can't reproduce it.
It's still happening with me, I have lenovo x306x