Motorola Moto Z (griffin) mka systemimage - dependency issues
I'm trying to port Motorola Moto Z (griffin)
It has all the required sources: is my motorola_griffin.xml
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <manifest> <remote name="los" fetch="" revision="lineage-16.0" /> <remote name="muppets" fetch="" revision="lineage-16.0" /> <project name="android_device_motorola_griffin" path="device/motorola/griffin" remote="los" /> <project path="kernel/motorola/msm8996" name="android_kernel_motorola_msm8996" remote="los" /> <project path="external/bson" name="android_external_bson" remote="los" /> <project path="system/qcom" name="android_system_qcom" remote="los" /> <project name="proprietary_vendor_motorola" path="vendor/motorola" remote="muppets" /> </manifest>
marcin@marcinPC:~/halium2$ breakfast griffin including vendor/lineage/ Looking for dependencies in device/motorola/griffin Looking for dependencies in kernel/motorola/msm8996 kernel/motorola/msm8996 has no additional dependencies. Looking for dependencies in packages/resources/devicesettings packages/resources/devicesettings has no additional dependencies. Looking for dependencies in external/bson external/bson has no additional dependencies. Looking for dependencies in system/qcom system/qcom has no additional dependencies. ============================================ PLATFORM_VERSION_CODENAME=REL PLATFORM_VERSION=9 LINEAGE_VERSION=16.0-20241202-UNOFFICIAL-griffin TARGET_PRODUCT=lineage_griffin TARGET_BUILD_VARIANT=userdebug TARGET_BUILD_TYPE=release TARGET_ARCH=arm64 TARGET_ARCH_VARIANT=armv8-a TARGET_CPU_VARIANT=kryo TARGET_2ND_ARCH=arm TARGET_2ND_ARCH_VARIANT=armv8-a TARGET_2ND_CPU_VARIANT=kryo HOST_ARCH=x86_64 HOST_2ND_ARCH=x86 HOST_OS=linux HOST_OS_EXTRA=Linux-5.15.0-126-generic-x86_64-Ubuntu-20.04.6-LTS HOST_CROSS_OS=windows HOST_CROSS_ARCH=x86 HOST_CROSS_2ND_ARCH=x86_64 HOST_BUILD_TYPE=release BUILD_ID=PQ3A.190801.002 OUT_DIR=/home/mazur/halium2/out PRODUCT_SOONG_NAMESPACES= hardware/qcom/audio-caf/msm8996 hardware/qcom/display-caf/msm8996 hardware/qcom/media-caf/msm8996
mka helium-boot went flawlessly.
Problems appear when building the system image (mka systemimage).
I have a lot of dependency problems.
I use this documentation: error: '/home/mazur/halium2/out/soong/host/linux-x86/bin/d8', needed by '/home/mazur/halium2/out/target/common/obj/APPS/BluetoothMidiService_intermediates/dex/classes.dex', missing and no known rule to make it
ninja: error: 'external/proguard/bin/', needed by '/home/mazur/halium2/out/target/common/obj/APPS/BluetoothMidiService_intermediates/classes-proguard.jar', missing and no known rule to make it
ninja: error: '/home/mazur/halium2/out/soong/host/linux-x86/framework/jarjar.jar', needed by '/home/mazur/halium2/out/soong/.intermediates/external/libphonenumber/libphonenumber-platform/android_common/turbine-jarjar/libphonenumber-platform.jar', missing and no known rule to make it
I noticed that when I use a predefined configuration for another phone (any configuration from halium/halium/devices/manifests) I have the same problems. So I assume the problem lies in the configuration of the environment itself.
Do you know how to solve this problem?
Marcin -
Problem solved by switching repo from (Halium-9 Lineage-16.0) to (Halium-11 Lineage-18.1).Out of curiosity, why doesn't Halium-11 have ./halium/devices/setup?
I had to copy it manually from Halium-9default.xml in Halium-9:
... <project path="halium/devices" name="Halium/halium-devices" revision="halium-9.0" /> ...
default.xml for Halium-11 or 12
no halium/devices entry
I finally have the system and boot images.
When I do fastboot boot halium-boot.img -c break=premount
I see only the Motorola logo and that is all. I think it freezes at some point. I have checked the dmesg and there are no new entries.
Do you know how to debug the boot image at the early loading stage? -
@blendermen You seem to be following the porting documentation. Have you also seen mentioned the Telegram group for support with Porting Questions? There are more eyeballs there to pick up and notice your questions.
Yes I have seen it but didn't use it. I will ask there.