Switching OS with UBPorts installer
Hello everyone,
I have decided to mess around with my Volla Phone a little bit, and would liketo try out the other three operating systems available in the ubports installer. I would like to ask if anyone has done it before to change the system from Ubuntu Touth to sailfish OS for example. Is the change smooth from one os to the other, are there some steps in the middle that is required before installing one or the other, and also is it easily revertable from Sailfish or Droidian to UT. I could not find muck arount the internet about this kind of stuff, and would not like to brick my phone while it is still my daily driver.
Thanks in advance for any answer, advice, or experience shared.
If this phone is your daily driver and you depend on it, and whatever is running on it at the moment suits your needs, I would strongly advise against 'messing around' with it.
Thanks for your reply. That is quite reasonable. Although the reason I wish to try out the other options is since I would consider buying a jolla C2, but I definitely want to try out before making a purchase with no Ubuntu touch option.
@Lundrin17 Just to be sure: you mean the first Volla Phone (code name yggdrasil)?
@sven I will share you my experience. On Jan, I have tried to mess around like what you have said with my device Google Pixel 3a XL by trying other OS (Droidian) which was available as a second option after UT.
I've installed it with success and ease. Honestly it is quite interesting, but still lags and lack of features. The idea is good comparing to real desktop version.
I have decided to go back to UT 20.04 OTA-7, by flashing the device to Stock Android 9 and then commencing installing UT via UT Installer.
All steps were correct, only when reached Recovery Mode and waiting for files to be installed, it got stuck for ever there, just waiting and scanning devices.
I have tried three times with no luck to install UT back to my device.
I have tried four times Android 9 and Droidian with success and no issues.
This is my experience with messing around with UT.
Am waiting to see 24.04 to be released to install it back again to my device.