Ubuntu Touch Q&A 160 Saturday 8th March 19:00 UTC
Ubuntu Touch Q&A 160
Ubuntu Touch Q&A 160 is live this Saturday 8th March at 19:00 UTC on our YouTube Channel https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KkoE0QZ0ts0 We will cover all the latest news and development, and your questions and answers.
Questions can be posted live during the show or using this Forum link for priority: https://forums.ubports.com/topic/10824/ubuntu-touch-q-a-160-call-for-questions
Please remember that questions on porting to device **** or its status, or questions on bugs will not be answered
#ubports:matrix.org#UBports #UbuntuTouch #UBportsQandA #Lomiri #OTA8 #Ubuntu
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