Where to download Qualcomm usb drivers for Windows 10?
@yazm895 When you plug it into the windows PC in it's current state does it show up in device manager under COM ports?
@MrT10001 Oh okay, it shows up in "Other devices" as QUSB_BULK_CID:041B_SN:47...
Yeah sorry, it's not the "F" disk after all...
@MrT10001 All right! After installing the driver you linked to the phone shows up in Device Manager under Ports as "Qualcomm HS-USB QDLoader 9008 (COM3)" and in the MSM tool the status of connection is "connected"! Awesome! Thank you!
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@MrT10001 It worked! The phone booted to Android like a champ! I have to go out for a few hours but after that I'll try installing UT. Thanks!
Man it would/will be amazing to get Linux on a modern smart phone...
Sorry, could you hold my hand just a bit more
I've been going by these instructions
They recommend a command-line install but the Ubuntu Touch web pages and the Ubuntu Touch device page for the OnePlus Nord N10 5G recommend the UBports installer. Which would you recommend? I've used the installer and it seemed fairly straightforward. And I don't know where I can get the boot.img, recovery.img and ubuntu.img files mentioned in the command line instructions...
@yazm895 I only use a command line install if there is an issue installing or the device is not on the installer and under heavy development.
If in doubt, always use the installer.
@MrT10001 OK. Cool. Thanks again!
@MrT10001 I can't boot to fastboot mode. I switched machines, I'm on my Kubuntu setup now, but I do have adb set up and I've used fastboot on other devices. But when I press power + volume up to boot the phone it just goes into normal boot. Or if I hold down volume up + power for longer it goes into a loop where the 1+ sign appears (and powered by android or something) and then it boots again.
@yazm895 Okay where exactly are you?
Have you:
Installed the stipulated ROM by the porter?
Have you booted into Android and unlocked the bootloader again - EDL mode install will relock the bootloader?
Have you started the UT installer?
@MrT10001 Got the ROM installed. I started the UB installer but it asked if the bootloader is locked and I realized it is. So now I'm in fastboot mode through "adb reboot bootloader". The start menu says "device state locked". Is it "fastboot flashing unlock" or "fastboot oem unlock"?
@yazm895 Did you switch the bootloader unlock in developer options in Android before you got to fastboot?
@MrT10001 Yes, OEM unlock
@yazm895 OK in fastboot it should be fastboot oem unlock.
@MrT10001 Cool! Got the bootloader unlocked. The UBports installer doesn't seem to recognize the phone. Do i need to go through the set up and adjust the settings?
@yazm895 No, what I would do is go through the Android set up process and then enable developer options and USB debugging, then connect it to the PC.
This will hopefully get you to UT.
@MrT10001 Okay, I'm now in the installer, it booted the phone to fastboot and says it's "waiting for device" and "asserting unlocked bootloader variable"
@MrT10001 It seems a bit stuck. Do I select the "start" option at the top?
@yazm895 The installer keeps telling me to unlock the bootloader although it's already unlocked. There were some errors when I installed the installer .deb version. The snap version said it was a prerelease version and that it should be updated. I think I'll try the app image version.