@dosolly On my Volla it isn't activated after cold boot and I can't activate it through system-settings. So I've created a systemd-timer and a corresponding systemd-service that enables CB via ofona-scripts.
[Unit] Description=Aktivieren von Cell-Broadcast [Timer] OnBootSec=2min Unit=enable-cbs.service [Install] WantedBy=multi-user.targetService:
[Unit] Description=Aktivieren von Cell-Broadcast [Service] Type=simple ExecStart=/usr/share/ofono/scripts/enable-cbs [Install] WantedBy=multi-user.targetAfter that you have to enable timer and service and CBS is enabled 2 minutes after a cold boot.
The CB-test yesterday showed me, that it's working (before, there was no way to check it 🙂 )