Hello, I cloned the ubports repository, and I added to my device to download the image to pp, however when compiling I came across the following error. help me please ?
make: *** No rule to make target
/home/joe/[ubuntuTouch]/out/target/product/jewel/obj/SHARED_LIBRARIES/libril_intermediates/export_includes', needed by
/home/joe/[ubuntuTouch]/out/target/product/jewel/obj/EXECUTABLES/rild_intermediates/import_includes'. Stop. -
"/out/target/product/jewel" ??? if for titan you must have /out/target/product/titan"
run "lunch" and select titan -
@walidham so, I still have not found a repository with vendorsetup.sh to find it at lunch.
@horuxan you must create it and put this line on it
add_lunch_combo full_titan-userdebug