Development testers for Anbox
i'll give it a try -
@stefano Sorry to be a pest
i'm getting this now : "$ sudo fastboot flash boot anbox-boot-turbo.img
< waiting for any device >
target didn't report max-download-size
sending 'boot' (20748 KB)...
OKAY [ 0.660s]
writing 'boot'...
FAILED (remote: partition does not exist)
finished. total time: 0.660s " -
@zx81 ''bootimg'' not boot !!!
@zx81 have you managed to flash it?
@mariogrip Great work!
One question, though: How would I evaluate if something is an issue with anbox itself or with the image?
@stefano I have tried several times and got no further
It now says something about not having a sandbox installedHave had to go to work now (work always gets in the way lol) so will have another go tomorrow
Thanks for your help so far
@zx81 Yeah, I had that message there as well.
It should be ok, though.
Refresh your Home screen (apps scope ) by dragging down and the Android apps should appear on the screen, or reboot.
You can also verify if its installed by typing in terminal on your phone:anbox-tool status
@stefano Nothing showing at the minute , just going through process again
@mariogrip any information on what we Flo users would need to do to get it running, or do we still need the mainline kernel to be up and running under Halium properly first (I'm down to experiment!!)? I can attempt to whip up a custom kernel as long as I know what patches I'm applying to it! Kinda hoping it would be similar to arale and need the anbox drivers compiled in.
@mihael I installed Whatsapp sucessfully, but when I open it it tells me that the time is wrong. I've adjusted the time in "Settings", but Whatsapp keeps telling me the same, and doesn't go further. Anybody knows how to pass this "Date is incorrect" screen?
@wgarcia Sorry, I don't know. It didn't do that for me...
@mihael Turns out I had installed an old version of Whatsapp, I installed the current one and now it opens OK.
I have an app that looks for at the installation (adb install). I have installed the google maps apk which shows as:
Maps (
when I do anbox-tool app-list
Can I somehow change the package name that appears in that list, and if so, would that satisfy the app looking for it when trying to install? -
@tomoqv No you can not change package name Android reads this out of the manifest file that is into the apk when installing, when you change this the app will never work again.
So I wonder if there is any google package that carries the name
@tomoqv As far as I know this is the name of a Java library (extension .jar), but I have no idea how libraries are installed in Android, and less in anbox.
@wgarcia It seems to me that many android apps just add the google dependencies by habit, without really needing it. I am looking for a way to trick those apps.
@tomoqv In my case I tried installing an Android app of my municipality to pay for street parking and it asked for this same thing. In this case it makes sense because it needs location, I believe. In any case I don't think GPS will work inside anbox any time soon.
@wgarcia We have an identification app used for authentication purposes with banks and authorities, which doesn't do anything else than asking you to punch in your 6-digit pin. It still asks for Google services to run - crazy!
There is mebay an option Gobalt some guy that was working on solution for BlackBerry when the where support Android apps make a tool to remove Google Play Services from a apk, i have try that back to that time and it worked for me, but you need Windows to run the app, so i can not test it now.
The name of the application is
But for the guy's who like to test it you can download it here: