Need Help to fix GPU adreno 305
I need help to fix this problem.
I'm try to port UBT to Moto G 2014, the phone boot, but no graphic
This is log cat
test_egl :
root@ubuntu-phablet:/# test_egl
library "egl/" not found
Segmentation fault (core dumped)test_glesv2
root@ubuntu-phablet:/# test_glesv2
library "egl/" not found
Segmentation fault (core dumped)test_hwcomposer
root@ubuntu-phablet:/# test_hwcomposerwidth: 720 height: 1280
library "egl/" not found
Segmentation fault (core dumped) -
@walidham Probably you are missing this file from your vendor or device tree? egl/ - maybe its not copied into your system image. You can check also in out/system or so directory
- exists in folder vendor/lib/egl
when i added symlink to vendor/lib/egl/ folder like this
ln -s /vendor/lib/egl egl
the ubuntu touch boot animation display but stuck on it and i got this message againos_lib_map error: dlopen failed: , on 'egl /'
Unable to load egl/ -
@Flohack Hi thank you very much sir
When i aded symlink to vendor/lib/egl folder in root i got this when run test_hwcomposerroot@ubuntu-phablet:/# test_hwcomposer
width: 720 height: 1280
library "/vendor/lib/egl/" not found
OpenGL ES 2.0 (OpenGL ES 3.0 V@84.0 AU@ (CL@))
test_hwcomposer: hwcomposer_window.cpp:186: virtual int HWComposerNativeWindow::dequeueBuffer(BaseNativeWindowBuffer, intAssertion `fbnb!=__null' failed.***
Aborted (core dumped)root@ubuntu-phablet:/# test_egl
Segmentation fault (core dumped)
root@ubuntu-phablet:/# test_glesv2
Segmentation fault (core dumped) -
@walidham Yes you are missing more than just one file. You need to also find somewhere. The /vendor/lib prefix is strange.
@Flohack YESSSSS i do it, now Ubuntu Touch start
I will fix RIL for the first urgent feature and after camera.
Do i need patch kernel for apparmor ? -
@walidham Please send SCREENSHOT!
apparmor you will need for click apps yes, but there is a description somewhere about how to disable apparmor for testing. You find it in Google, just look for Ubuntu Touch apparmor howto or such a thing.
@Flohack this is first image Ubuntu Touch in Moto G 2014

I will change kernel with kernel used in SailfishOS (its work fine in moto g 2014 sailfishos) , hope this will resolve many pbs -
@walidham Beautiful! You are really skilled then, not many people can port in the first go so that they get a usable screen.
You can follow these items roughly to see if you got all things covered:
Cellular Radio
TouchBR Florian
@Flohack said in Need Help to fix GPU adreno 305:
@walidham Beautiful! You are really skilled then, not many people can port in the first go so that they get a usable screen.
You can follow these items roughly to see if you got all things covered:
Cellular Radio
TouchBR Florian
Why is touch at the bottom? I'd consider that somewhat more important.
I think from a quick look that it is just posted in alphabetical order -
@Leppa Please, this is NOT ordered by importance
@Flohack Hi can you help me to understant this error :
E/adsprpc ( 0): vendor/qcom/proprietary/adsprpc/src/apps_std_imp.c:33:apps_std fopen failed: ./ No such file or directory
E/adsprpc ( 0): vendor/qcom/proprietary/adsprpc/src/apps_std_imp.c:33:apps_std fopen failed: /system/lib/rfsa/adsp/./ No such file or directorybtw camera(photo) , power buton, rotaion work.
what no work : ril, audio, wifi,....full logs logcat
@walidham Hello, sorry no...
You might want to take a look at CM/Lineage sources if they somewhere include a file called - which source does your vendor tree come from? TheMuppets?
@Flohack Hi, wifi fixed, amazon & ebay application work, but browser, facebook and twiter crash .
For vendor, yes i used TheMuppets, cm-12.1 device tree and cm12.1 kernel with small modification in 4 files (fix boot.img size, compilation errors...)
I think RIL not work due to this error of file
I think need more debug for it -
@walidham Crashing Apps can be an indication that your apparmor does not work... Did you apply those patches already?
@Flohack in wiki ubuntu guide its not clear how to patch apparmor, i will try to do it.
The audio is not working, is it related to apparmor ?
Also i found that RIL is related to audio, i think fix audio will fix RIL, right ? -
@walidham I was never so far that I could see if audio or RIL works. But maybe yes.
Which kernel version do you have? I just replaced the apparmor folder completly with the backport version. Dunno if this will be enough but it looked so far ok
@Flohack i used motorola kernel msm8226 v 3.42.
Can u give me the link the backport version.
Also many thanks for reply
Best Regards -
@walidham See => Scroll down to "Device-specific changes" => Scroll further down to "AppArmor" and you see a list of links for that. Found it?
linux-maguro (3.0.0) linux-grouper (3.1.10) linux-mako (3.4.0) linux-manta (3.4.0)