Ubuntu Touch Q&A 61 This Saturday 19th Of October At 19:00 UTC
Ubuntu Touch Q&A 61 is this Saturday the 19th of October at 19:00 UTC. Please join us for Ubuntu Touch development, updates and answers to your questions! Post them here before the event and Youtube Livechat https://youtu.be/KSGCWXpzm4E and Telegram during the live show.
Please remember that questions on porting to device **** or it's status, and questions on bugs will not be answered
@UBportsNews A lot of work has been done at Unity8. Does this mean that Unity8 is becoming better for normal Desktops too?
@UBportsNews Looking at github "Unity8+Mir upgrade project" is really astonishing how much work you've done so far.
Looking at the really low number of issues that still have to be solved when do you expect to move it from edge channel to dev/rc ?
What's the projected timeline for rebasing Ubuntu Touch from 16.04 to 20.04? And in preparation for 20.04, would you consider an "edge-systemd" branch while still on 16.04?
Can you give us an update on the HW enablement of the PineTab for UT?
Given the similarities in HW, it seems likely that the progress made on the PinePhone benefits the Tab as well. Can we assume that it is in roughly the same condition as the PinePhone?