Fairphone 2 (FP2)
@Luksus is the data connection toggle enabled after switching off airplane mode? https://github.com/ubports/ubuntu-touch/issues/30 Is the most annoying issue to me currently.
Also, does the flashlight work ?
@Fla the toggle stays enabled but gets inactive when switching flightmode on, and there is also no dataconnection available anymore. After switching flightmode off, the toggle gets enabled again and data connection is also there.
If you are referring to the bug, where this toggle stays always inactive, regardless of the connection state, then I can say, that I did not encounter this issue so far.
Sometimes the system isn't aware of the mobiledata connection and I need to toggle mobiledata on and off multiple times, that the system is getting it. This happens for example, when switching WiFi off. As I remember, this did not happen with the legacy port.
The best Improvement so far is: No more random reboots - yeah!
I also managed to get rid of the wake up from sleep delay.
So this build is very usable as daily driver for me. -
@Fla flashlight does still not work.
- even, if I not have to re-enter sim pin after turning flightmode off, sometimes the sim locks it self randomly
- sadly, I encounterd 2 reboots since I flashed it. Both while charging the battery and doing nothing with it
- to activate a hotspot, I need to turn off WiFi and enable hotspot from within the settings
Another Update:
- Reboots are still much less than on legacy version and happen mostly while charging
- activating hotspot is a bit fiddly, but works
- automatic switch between mobile network and WiFi does not always work reliable
- just encountered that the whole wireless display/aethercast thing is missing
@Luksus as I stated on the appropriate github issue, I am able and willing to send my new camera module to anyone willing to tackle that issue and would need the module
@Emphrath I also have the "new" (second) camera-module
Are you talking about the flashlight? -
@Luksus yes I am. This is presently the only thing keeping me from going back to UT, and I am now considering the old camera module in order to have a working flashlight... has there been a new cam module since the one we're talking about ? I was unaware. I understand that getting this flashlight to work is not a priority of this project, considering the work on halium , unity, and porting to other devices, but I can't get my head around why the former works and not this one. Maybe it requires some "porting" of its own, but since fairphone openos made the kernel sources for this device available, I wonder what's up!! I'm not a developer and only have basic Linux knowledge so I thought I could help that way.
@Emphrath No, there were only two camera modules. I believe the biggest part of the FP2 owners have the newer one. So no need to send yours to someone.
I often thought about looking into the flashlight problem, but always came to the conclusion , if even Rajanathan did not get this to work yet, who made a lot for the FP2, then I can't make it work either.... -
@Emphrath the problem is that there is maybe a new flash device node in the /dev/ tree (lets assume this for a moment). However, the Android camera stack is a total mess of its own, and any slight change can totally disrupt it. I remember when the new module came out we couldnt even use it for weeks (or was it months) due to the Android part just screwing up.
Eventually someone will get it to work, but yes, our priorities are geared towards other things at the moment. But I am pretty sure @peat_psuwit could analyze it with the right module. So he might be a cndidate to send one to -
Sorry, get occupied with some other stuff. I'll look into the Aethercast problem. However, that's not the top priority.
Although I've never tested the new camera module (I don't have one), I think that the stack should work with both versions. If you have the new modules and care to compile the Halium part from source, I encourage you to try it out.
For the flashlight (via the battery indicator), there's a possible fix available as the latest
package inxenial_-_gst-droid
. Again, if you care to compile the Halium part from source, you could try that on the old and the new camera module. However, there's a possibility to burn your flash. So, please make sure you have a spare module before trying it out. I've burnt mine during my fiddling, and I have no spare module, old or new. So, I'll not be able to test it myself. -
@peat_psuwit I thought I did compile it from source, when I downloaded the linked sources of your first post and followed the Halium porting guide, didn't I?
The new camera module is working fine with the current build/stack.
Only the flash does not work. -
@peat_psuwit you mean I should try to run android-lxc-config from terminal ? Or is it a file I need to edit ?
@Luksus Does the flash work when taking a picture normally in the camera app?
@Emphrath No. I meant that I've included a (possible) fix in the latest version of
debian package. If you've followed the gst-droid install instruction and upgraded your phone withapt
(not system image!), the fix should be installed.The flash in the camera app does work on my old module (at least, until I burnt it
). If even that doesn't work on the new module, then I'll probably have to find the new camera modules somewhere.
@peat_psuwit it does not work, even in camera app. I would gladly send the new module to you, if you wish to give it a try
@peat_psuwit when I wrote this: https://forums.ubports.com/post/28093 - the flash was not working.
Currently I am on the legacy port again. Does the gst-droid patch work there also, or is it necessary to use Halium for it to work?
@peat_psuwit , @Emphrath : wooow, the flash works with the camera app ... I am speechless :face_screaming_in_fear:
This is with Halium and latest gst-droid patch.An FP2 with new camera module and working flash... I still can't believe it.
Thank you so much @peat_psuwit . -
@Luksus awwe god !! I know what i'm gonna do back home
@Luksus hi! I would like to try your new port, is there a build image somewhere? If no, how can I install it?
@Fla First:
it is not my port, it is made by peat_psuwit.Second:
@Flohack, @peat_psuwit : is it ok with you if I would share my halium and system image builds in this thread? Or do you think there should be some "hurdle", so that only people "who know what they are doing" can tryout this port?