Call for testing: Google/Huawei Nexus 6P (angler) owners
GPS doesn't seem to be working now though. It was earler
I stand corrected. This is interesting. I turn bluetooth off, GPS maps do not work. I turn bluetoorh on, it does. Any connection between those two systems? My device hung up and rebooted when I tried to find my location. now it works. A hang up somewhere?
Even more strange - with bluetooth on, rotation and rotation lock works. Obviously, I think I'll leave it on
Neither GPS nor rotation can do any interaction with Bluetooth. GPS and rotation might be connected through Androids sensor service, so if you got issues please also check if automatic brightness still works in such situation. I have it on the Oneplus One also that sensors crash and then nothing works anymore, rotation, auto brightness, proximity etc
Auto brightness was also not functioning until the reboot. So it's some sort of a crash that is occasionally happening.
@rocket2nfinity I uploaded a new halium-boot.img file which includes a fix so Bluetooth can be turned on again. Can you test this for me?
I have update the list of things that work at the beginning. I could move a few more things in
Hi @Flohack, is it possible to join this project? I have purchased an Angler.
@Rondarius Sure, you find the installation guide linked somewhere at the beginning of this thread. If you have questions just ask.
The most important thing I repeat here: You must flash the stock Android 7.1 before you try to install (this device has a vendor partition and its version needs to match the version of the port. You can use latest 7.1.2 from GoogleΒ΄s pages.
I haven't used the phone and don't know if it suffers the 4 core bug. Should I use only 4 cores?
@Rondarius Well you can test easily: Use the normal TWRP recovery first, and see if its stable. The bug will almost immediately trigger reboots, also with the recovery. So I would give it a shot, my second device doesnΒ΄t have it, and runs now with all cores very nicely
@Flohack Installed. Bluetooth does indeed turn on and off over again without hang up. Hotspot still does not work, calls appear to connect but no audio. You have MMS/SMS as not functional in the list, but I just sent and received both from my device just fine, notifications and all.
I only installed halium as you instructed since system image was the same date as the last update
@rocket2nfinity Yes you did absolutely correct, I just had a new kernel. Thanks for confirming MMS/SMS I have no SIM card in my hands now. Small progress
@Flohack Correction - SMS/MMS allows you to input text if you initiate the message. Strange thing when you receive a message though, keyboard will not come back up for you to reply back. But the device can initiate and receive messages. Just not reply back because no keyboard.
@rocket2nfinity Well thats a problem of UT itself, not of the device port I hope
- I also moved PIN unlock to Working state because I remember it was ok.
So to summarize: Big issues are camera and voice in calls. I will try to work on this more. Hotspot is lower prio for me
@Flohack and USB debug developer mode is not working for me
@rocket2nfinity well Halium ports do not support adb, and so the switch in the phone is meaningless. You can always ssh into it like this: ssh phablet@
@Flohack Then how is it working on the Nexus 5 when installing Anbox? Enable USB debugging in developer mode, adb shell from host and install Anbox. Or is that not using USB debugging?
Finally I flashed the phone -
@Rondarius Aaaaaand?