I’m just impressed ...w
... about the goals the UBPorts team has achieved in the last months
Many thanks for your ambitious work to keep one of the last alternative mobile os alive.
After the end of UT I sold my BQ4.5 and jumped ship for a while but couldn’t resist to try it again with my Nexus 5 and wow - you solved some issues the UT team didn’t in years just by focusing on essentials
I even tried Xenial but it seems there’s is a long way to go for the N5 but the UI is very promising ... M
Just decided yesterday to become a Patron (not with a big pledge but wanted to contribute a bit ...)
I hope you keep on with your great work, we need alternatives (and I had them all from PalmOS to WebOS to Maemo to Meego to FFOS to Sailfish and UT ...) for now only two left - so please keep on goingthx