I have gathered some information for experimenting on the FM radio topic with the S3 Neo. After some digging I came across this documentation https://github.com/mer-hybris/hadk-faq#fm-radio. Is it possible that most of the changes can be done on a running device? Or am I getting it wrong?
11 FM radio
11.1 Qualcomm
- Needs a device with suitable FM radio hardware and a kernel defconfig containing
if fail to build IRIS_TRANSPORT
(or =y
- If your
is built-in then this is not needed, however if you have problems try building CONFIG_RADIO_IRIS_TRANSPORT
as a module: add (adapt to fit your device if needed) https://github.com/mlehtima/droid-config-fp2-sibon/blob/master/sparse/lib/systemd/system/droid-fm-up.service and https://github.com/mlehtima/droid-config-fp2-sibon/blob/master/sparse/lib/systemd/system/bluetooth.service.wants/droid-fm-up.service
- Sometimes device permissions are wrong (root owner), in this case add https://github.com/mlehtima/droid-config-fp2-sibon/blob/master/sparse/lib/udev/rules.d/999-droid-fm.rules to your droid-configs repo (or directly to device for testing)
- Add qt5-qtmultimedia-plugin-mediaservice-irisradio to patterns (or install directly to device for testing)
- Add https://github.com/mlehtima/droid-config-fp2-sibon/blob/master/sparse/etc/pulse/xpolicy.conf.d/fmradio.conf to your droid-configs repo (or directly to device for testing)
- Starting from Sailfish OS 2.0.2 FM radio Media app plugin jolla-mediaplayer-radio can be added to patterns.
On my S3 Neo running UT, it seems that point 1 and 2 are satisfied:
zcat /proc/config.gz | grep -n RADIO_IRIS
Regarding point 3. It seems to me that KERNEL=="radio[0-9]*", OWNER="audio", GROUP="audio"
would have to be added since
cat ~/../../android/system/halium/lib/udev/rules.d/70-android.rules | grep radio0
ACTION=="add", KERNEL=="radio0", OWNER="system", GROUP="system", MODE="0640"
ACTION=="add", KERNEL=="radio0", OWNER="fm_radio", GROUP="fm_radio", MODE="0640"
No idea how to check for the other points.
I know there is no FM radio app in the open store yet but could it work to build something quickly using this https://doc.qt.io/archives/qt-5.6/qml-qtmultimedia-radio.html?
Unfortunately I have no experience in porting yet but if someone could give me a bit of guidance through the steps above, I'd be happy to sacrifice my S3 Neo for testing.