Ubuntu Touch Q&A 72 This Saturday 21st Of March At 19:00 UTC
Hi! First of all, thank you all for your awesome work.
I know that this Q&A isn't the place to talk about specific bugs, however, and it's even more important now with the current Covid19 situation, what I need isn't a device which can do more, it's a device which do correctly what it is supposed to do. Isn't now a good time to focus on stability? I'm thinking about issues like not being able to receive MMS, dekko crashing all the time, Morph reloading pages when it isn't supposed to do it, sharing connection not really switched off when switching it off, so the battery is killed in a few hours if I don't reboot the device... (an issue open since 2017!) + all the issues I have specific to FP2 like not being able to toggle data if I toggle plane mode on and off first, flashlight not working, etc, etc...
I'm already a member of the Q&A group on telegram and I'm willing to help testing and reporting issues, but the repos are full of hundreds of them. I really feel like shipping new features / new phones should be paused a bit especially with delayed on the pinephone, and bugs should be squashed or at least triaged... I feel lost in the middle of all that and those issues are all there since I first installed UT on my FP2 last April so one year from now. Pretty please, can we have features that work before new ones?
Thanks again for everything all contributors are doing.
@Fla said in Ubuntu Touch Q&A 72 This Saturday 21st Of March At 19:00 UTC:
sharing connection not really switched off when switching it off, so the battery is killed in a few hours if I don't reboot the device.
Not wrong. I have indeed noticed that on
my OPO after closing the hotspot button and wifi button (the hotspot seems to be closed because the wifi computer doesn't connect), it can happen that the OPO stays warm (it's not systematic) and that the battery continues to be drained faster than usual until the next reboot. So there are surely some processes that don't always close completely or conflicts. In fact, the hotspot has always been a source of problems except on BQs (old-fashioned but reliable).
We do have loads of simple webapps in the OpenStore that are simple desktoplinks. It is easy to loose track when looking for "real" app.
Webber is a great tool for everyone to create a quick link for her/his favourite web page.
How about including webber as preinstalled app?
How about launching an "unpublish simple webapps campaign" to clear out OpenStore a bit? -
Thanks a lot for keeping UT alive. Awesome work!
I'm patiently waiting for years now that finally Bluetooth will work on my BQ E4.5. Reading the forum, I have recently seen some good attempts to upgrade Bluez version and to do some needed fixes to Pulseaudio (yay - keep going!).
Question: Are those improvements already included in OTA-12 or planned for following OTAs? -
It took me a little bit to finally understand the importance of supporting Pinephone, Raspberry and similar devices running a mainline kernel.
Question: Have you heard about the project to run "mainlined" android on iPhones? What are your thoughts (UBports on iPhone) and do you still see a need to focus on HAL based ports going forward?
@mike68 said in Ubuntu Touch Q&A 72 This Saturday 21st Of March At 19:00 UTC:
Have you heard about the project to run ... android on iPhones?
Are you referring to Project Sandcastle? If not, to what are you referring?
Hi, how are you ?
@GizmoChicken Yes, exactly, Project Sandcastle. I do not know lots about it but it sounds very promising.
3 questions:
With recent changes in the UI on UT I can apparently configure a Libertine container and install desktop apps, but it looks like there is no way of using them. (My device is a Nexus 5)
Could you give a recap of which of the core devices (and community devices) are the ones that in theory can handle an external display, and what the status of the system is on these being able to connect to a display and run desktop apps?
Are there plans for improving bluetooth connectivity in the near future?
What is the most effective way someone can assist development when one does not have solid programming skills. (Besides translating, of which I have already done quite a bit)
I would like to ask if there will be some kind of collaboration with Mozilla given that now they are working to make the ESR versions of Firefox compatible with the infrastructure of KaiOS and possibly also with the old FirefoxOS infrastructure. Could this bring Mozilla and UBPorts together? Would it be possible to make FirefoxOS apps available on UT? Are there any possibilities to have Firefox browser on UT?Here you can find the original post by KaiOS:
https://twitter.com/KaiOStech/status/1237728747681447937Thank you
I hope that there will be a collab with Mozilla, it would be really great and really helpful