Call for testing: Google/Huawei Nexus 6P (angler) owners
@7rst1 Hmm now I got interested, which kinda App store you are missing?
Dear all,
rotation seem to have died on my development branch, can someone confirm this also for the latest one I have released? Thx
@Flohack Where do I download the latest build? This one is a couple of months old: -
@Rondarius I did not upload a new one, since there were no significant changes. Just now I am thinking of preparing an update, and I find rotation broken. Thats why I ask, if rotation works on the old one
@Flohack Yes it does.
@Flohack Works on mine. Occasionally there is some sort of sensor crash happening in the background. When it stops working, GPS and other things stop working. But I haven't been able to figure out what triggers it
@Flohack Sorry for late response. The store is there, but doesn't load anything. I can update through the system settings though.
Finally some news:
- I have uploaded now 2 versions of the kernel, 4 and 8 cores, you might want to try 8 cores on your phones to see if you are affected by the CPU bug
- I have removed the root fs from my server. You can now use the 32bit rootfs that we build every day on our CI, which will contain latest fixes etc. IF
- system.img is updated also (download from my server)
Description has been updated (look for the downloads around item 1)
@Flohack I think either I did something wrong, or something isn't right in the build.
I used the updated instructions, item 3 from
The halium install script errored out saying it couldn't connect with adb. So, I loaded TWRP and connected to adb through that. It errored out again because of a reboot command in the script. So, I decided to wipe the device from scratch, re-installed android and wiped dalvick, data, and cache. Then re-tried the install script. It worked with no errors. Did the next part replacing halium-boot-image with halium-boot-8-cores.img following the instructions in item 3 using these commands(I am using the 8 core TWRP and UT build previously with no problems):
./ -p ut ubports-touch.rootfs-xenial-armhf.tar.gz system.img
adb reboot bootloader
fastboot flash boot halium-boot-8-cores.img
fastboot rebootNow I just get the google logo over and over. I am able to boot into bootloader and recovery. So, what have I done wrong?
@rocket2nfinity Did you use the flash-all script in the android rom? And did you run it in terminal? When I ran the script in terminal i got an error and the script stopped, I had to install the Android images manually instead.
@Rondarius Just re-installed bootloader manually with fastboot and tried again with the flash all script. No errors. But still hung at the google logo. When I re-installed android, I did reboot it to turn on usb debugging, then rebooted to TWRP to wipe Dalvick, data, and cache before I ran the install instructions in item 3. So the bootloader did properly install.
@rocket2nfinity Did you run the script in the terminal? I ran the script not using the terminal and it gave no errors but it did in the terminal.
@Rondarius How do you run the script not using terminal? I used terminal to do everything.
You right click the script under Properties you are able to make it executable.
I am half GUI half terminal user.
@Rondarius I guess I have some old habits. I always right click scripts to make them executable but then I start them with ./ anyway. I never just click the file. Guess I should take the easy path from time to time.
Were you able to get the new build running on your device?
Sorry, I haven't tried it yet. It feels like it is something else that is not working maybe @Flohack could help you out here.
@Rondarius That's what I was thinking. Re-installed Android worked, bootloader is 3.68 and is working and able to reboot to bootloader or recovery, radio is 3.81. No errors installing anything after re-installing android, it all said ok. But then, no boot.....
@rocket2nfinity did it work with 4 cores before?
@Flohack Never tried it. Always had it running on 8