Call for testing: Google/Huawei Nexus 6P (angler) owners
@rocket2nfinity Did you run the script in the terminal? I ran the script not using the terminal and it gave no errors but it did in the terminal.
@Rondarius How do you run the script not using terminal? I used terminal to do everything.
You right click the script under Properties you are able to make it executable.
I am half GUI half terminal user.
@Rondarius I guess I have some old habits. I always right click scripts to make them executable but then I start them with ./ anyway. I never just click the file. Guess I should take the easy path from time to time.
Were you able to get the new build running on your device?
Sorry, I haven't tried it yet. It feels like it is something else that is not working maybe @Flohack could help you out here.
@Rondarius That's what I was thinking. Re-installed Android worked, bootloader is 3.68 and is working and able to reboot to bootloader or recovery, radio is 3.81. No errors installing anything after re-installing android, it all said ok. But then, no boot.....
@rocket2nfinity did it work with 4 cores before?
@Flohack Never tried it. Always had it running on 8
@Flohack 8-core TWRP still works just fine. Android works with all 8 cores enabled
@rocket2nfinity Please try to verify whats in the pst:
- Phone reset to stock Android 7.1.2 by Google
- Bootloader unlocked
- Please paste output of halium-install
I am about to preparing a custom script for the UBports installer, that will make things much easier to handle
@Flohack Android stock 7.1.2 - check
bootloader unlocked - checkoutput of hallium -install script:
Debug: Chosen rootfs is ubports-touch.rootfs-xenial-armhf.tar.gz
Debug: Chosen android image is system.img
Debug: Chosen release is ut
Debug: Compress images before pushing: falseI: Writing rootfs into mountable image
I: Writing android image into mountable image
I: Running post installation tasks
enabling Mir ... [done]
enabling SSH ... [done]
Please enter a new password for the user 'phablet':
Enter new UNIX password:
Retype new UNIX password:
passwd: password updated successfully
I: Shrinking images
e2fsck 1.44.1 (24-Mar-2018)
resize2fs 1.44.1 (24-Mar-2018)
Resizing the filesystem on .halium-install-imgs.eazbo/system.img to 48516 (4k) blocks.
The filesystem on .halium-install-imgs.eazbo/system.img is now 48516 (4k) blocks long.I: Unmounting images
I: Pushing rootfs and android image to /data via ADB
I: Pushing rootfs to /data via ADB
adb: error: connect failed: closed
I: Pushing android image to /data via ADB
adb: error: connect failed: closedreal 0m0.016s
user 0m0.003s
sys 0m0.004s
I: Cleaning up
umount: .halium-install-rootfs.1KyDM: not mounted.
error: closed -
This post is deleted! -
@rocket2nfinity said in Call for testing: Google/Huawei Nexus 6P (angler) owners:
adb: error: connect failed: closed
I: Pushing android image to /data via ADB
adb: error: connect failed: closedYes the data cant be pushed to the device. Maybe you have multiple adbΒ΄s on your computer and they are fighting with each other? I had this once.
@Flohack Tried on two computers, one I am sure only has one copy of adb. Same result
@rocket2nfinity Its just strange that it worked for many people but you
@Flohack It worked for me before too using your rootfs from your server. But with the new rootfs it hangs
@Flohack what does the "ut" after -p do in the hallium-install script?
@Flohack Oops! I do have two adb installed on both machines. Forgot that I used both and needed su adb to flash a ROM to a Mediatek device.
Thanks for the tip!
@rocket2nfinity -p sets the postprocessing to Ubuntu Touch type. Without that the rootfs is not prepared in the right way, for example ssh wont work etc.