Confused about idle screen lock
When i have idle lock set to never, it only seems to work when the phone is already locked
For eg, when the phone is locked but screen on, the screen stays on permanently, regardlessof being unplugged - i have tried every timeout value available in screen lock settings
But when installing something like Libertine, i have to constantly tap the screen to avoid it switcing off and locking, even if the above is set to Never
Wondering if there is a setting i am missing, for screen idle, in addition to the security lock idle timeout?
As I only use my device for testing, I always have it set to never. I've never seen anything like what you're suggesting happens.
The idle timeout is unrelated to whether the screen is locked or not, or as to what apps are running, or installed.
i have been unable to fix this issue, if the screen is on and device locked, the screen never goes off (regardless of idle settings)
this is starting to be an issue, because when i get a message or email or call, the screen of course switches on, and then it never switches off, so if i get something just as im going to sleep that i dont see, my phone screen is on all night
any suggestions?
What device is this?
nexus 5, stable stream