And based on the error it seems like an missing console due to ubuntu not starting at all, it mounts the system, but does not start.
[quote='mariogrip' pid='44' dateline='1434230432']
And based on the error it seems like an missing console due to ubuntu not starting at all, it mounts the system, but does not start.
[/quote]I can't access to adb in real time actually.
Should I define a console ? -
[quote='h2o64' pid='45' dateline='1434230620']
[quote='mariogrip' pid='44' dateline='1434230432']
And based on the error it seems like an missing console due to ubuntu not starting at all, it mounts the system, but does not start.
[/quote]I can't access to adb in real time actually.
Should I define a console ?
[/quote]I think you need to define the console, i had to do that with the oneplus one. kernel panics are kinda hard to understand sometimes. i don't think adbd does not start at such low level, adbd get started by upstart. but you can force it to start with "break" in kernel cmdline (example break=top) to stop and start adbd where you can look around.
[quote='mariogrip' pid='46' dateline='1434231284']
[quote='h2o64' pid='45' dateline='1434230620']
[quote='mariogrip' pid='44' dateline='1434230432']
And based on the error it seems like an missing console due to ubuntu not starting at all, it mounts the system, but does not start.
[/quote]I can't access to adb in real time actually.
Should I define a console ?
[/quote]I think you need to define the console, i had to do that with the oneplus one. kernel panics are kinda hard to understand sometimes. i don't think adbd does not start at such low level, adbd get started by upstart. but you can force it to start with "break" in kernel cmdline (example break=top) to stop and start adbd where you can look around.
[/quote]I know about those "breaks" but I don't know how to use them. I just need to chuck them in the cmdline ? in the ramdisk ?
[quote='h2o64' pid='47' dateline='1434231654']
[quote='mariogrip' pid='46' dateline='1434231284']
[quote='h2o64' pid='45' dateline='1434230620']
[quote='mariogrip' pid='44' dateline='1434230432']
And based on the error it seems like an missing console due to ubuntu not starting at all, it mounts the system, but does not start.
[/quote]I can't access to adb in real time actually.
Should I define a console ?
[/quote]I think you need to define the console, i had to do that with the oneplus one. kernel panics are kinda hard to understand sometimes. i don't think adbd does not start at such low level, adbd get started by upstart. but you can force it to start with "break" in kernel cmdline (example break=top) to stop and start adbd where you can look around.
[/quote]I know about those "breaks" but I don't know how to use them. I just need to chuck them in the cmdline ? in the ramdisk ?
btw, is the android container mountable?
In recovery
cd data && mkdir tmp
mount -o loop tmp system.img
cd tmp/var/lib/lxc/android && mkdir temp
mount -o loop tmp system.img -
Mariogrip when I try to make the kernel from sources, it won't run it wants to compile /boot I need to make the kernel for mkbootimg
[quote='Procyon' pid='50' dateline='1434233676']
Mariogrip when I try to make the kernel from sources, it won't run it wants to compile /boot I need to make the kernel for mkbootimg
[/quote]The kernel is inside boot.img, if it make a boot.img then it also made the kernel.
are you getting some errors? if yes paste them.
and also i texed you on the irc, but you quit. I use a webclient that does not give me notification so i might be little slow on the irc.
[quote='mariogrip' pid='49' dateline='1434233506']
btw, is the android container mountable?In recovery
cd data && mkdir tmp
mount -o loop tmp system.img
cd tmp/var/lib/lxc/android && mkdir temp
mount -o loop tmp system.img
[/quote]Here is the result : mountable (I did this one time previously btw)
[code]louis@louis-All-Series:~/Dev/Ubuntu_Touch_Flash/project_rootstock$ adb shell
~ # cd data/ && mkdir tmp
mkdir: can't create directory 'tmp': File exists
/data # mount -o loop system.img tmp/
/data # cd tmp/var/lib/lxc/android && mkdir temp
mkdir: can't create directory 'temp': File exists
/data/tmp/var/lib/lxc/android # mount -o loop system.img temp/
/data/tmp/var/lib/lxc/android # cd temp/
/data/tmp/var/lib/lxc/android/temp # ls
bin build.prop extras lost+found ubuntu vendor
boot etc lib media usr xbin
/data/tmp/var/lib/lxc/android/temp #
[/code]EDIT : I made many tries and I finally set "break=mountroot" --> mountroot is the level of the crash for sure.
Logs here http://pastebin.com/cr2zRD3M -
[quote='mariogrip' pid='51' dateline='1434234227']
[quote='Procyon' pid='50' dateline='1434233676']
Mariogrip when I try to make the kernel from sources, it won't run it wants to compile /boot I need to make the kernel for mkbootimg
[/quote]The kernel is inside boot.img, if it make a boot.img then it also made the kernel.
are you getting some errors? if yes paste them.
and also i texed you on the irc, but you quit. I use a webclient that does not give me notification so i might be little slow on the irc.
[/quote]I felt tired, can I decompile boot.IMG?
[quote='h2o64' pid='52' dateline='1434261731']
[quote='mariogrip' pid='49' dateline='1434233506']
btw, is the android container mountable?In recovery
cd data && mkdir tmp
mount -o loop tmp system.img
cd tmp/var/lib/lxc/android && mkdir temp
mount -o loop tmp system.img
[/quote]Here is the result : mountable (I did this one time previously btw)
[code]louis@louis-All-Series:~/Dev/Ubuntu_Touch_Flash/project_rootstock$ adb shell
~ # cd data/ && mkdir tmp
mkdir: can't create directory 'tmp': File exists
/data # mount -o loop system.img tmp/
/data # cd tmp/var/lib/lxc/android && mkdir temp
mkdir: can't create directory 'temp': File exists
/data/tmp/var/lib/lxc/android # mount -o loop system.img temp/
/data/tmp/var/lib/lxc/android # cd temp/
/data/tmp/var/lib/lxc/android/temp # ls
bin build.prop extras lost+found ubuntu vendor
boot etc lib media usr xbin
/data/tmp/var/lib/lxc/android/temp #
[/code]EDIT : I made many tries and I finally set "break=mountroot" --> mountroot is the level of the crash for sure.
Logs here http://pastebin.com/cr2zRD3M
[/quote]I tried to set console=null on my oneplus one and it gave me and kernel panic, so i really think you need to console=tty0 and remove androidboot.console.
keep getting these errors:
[code]make[1]: Leaving directory '/home/cedian/phablet/kernel/oneplus/msm8974'
preparing StaticLib: libc_common [including /home/cedian/phablet/out/target/product/bacon/obj/STATIC_LIBRARIES/libc_netbsd_intermediates/libc_netbsd.a]
preparing StaticLib: libc_common [including /home/cedian/phablet/out/target/product/bacon/obj/STATIC_LIBRARIES/libc_tzcode_intermediates/libc_tzcode.a]
target StaticLib: libc_common (/home/cedian/phablet/out/target/product/bacon/obj/STATIC_LIBRARIES/libc_common_intermediates/libc_common.a)
cedian@cedian-ubuntu-only:~/phablet$ ARCH="arm" CROSS_COMPILE="arm-linux-androideabi-" make -i -j4 adsprpcd
mkdir: cannot create directory ‘/etc/firmware’: Permission denied
ln: failed to create symbolic link ‘/etc/firmware/wcd9320/wcd9320_anc.bin’: No such file or directory
ln: failed to create symbolic link ‘/etc/firmware/wcd9320/wcd9320_mbhc.bin’: No such file or directory
ln: failed to create symbolic link ‘/etc/firmware/wcd9320/wcd9320_mad_audio.bin’: No such file or directory
mkdir: cannot create directory ‘/etc/firmware’: Permission denied
ln: failed to create symbolic link ‘/etc/firmware/wlan/prima/WCNSS_qcom_cfg.ini’: No such file or directoryPLATFORM_VERSION_CODENAME=REL
OUT_DIR=/home/cedian/phablet/outincluding abi/cpp/Android.mk ...
including bionic/Android.mk ...
including bootable/recovery/Android.mk ...
including build/libs/host/Android.mk ...
including build/target/board/Android.mk ...
including build/tools/acp/Android.mk ...
including build/tools/check_prereq/Android.mk ...
including build/tools/fs_config/Android.mk ...
including build/tools/zipalign/Android.mk ...
including device/asus/deb/dumpstate/Android.mk ...
including device/asus/deb/recovery/Android.mk ...
including device/asus/deb/self-extractors/Android.mk ...
including device/asus/flo/Android.mk ...
including device/asus/grouper/Android.mk ...
including device/asus/tilapia/recovery/Android.mk ...
including device/asus/tilapia/self-extractors/Android.mk ...
including device/generic/goldfish/audio/Android.mk ...
including device/generic/goldfish/camera/Android.mk ...
including device/generic/goldfish/gps/Android.mk ...
including device/generic/goldfish/lights/Android.mk ...
including device/generic/goldfish/opengl/Android.mk ...
including device/generic/goldfish/power/Android.mk ...
including device/generic/goldfish/qemu-props/Android.mk ...
including device/generic/goldfish/qemud/Android.mk ...
including device/generic/goldfish/sensors/Android.mk ...
including device/lge/hammerhead/Android.mk ...
including device/lge/mako/Android.mk ...
including device/samsung/manta/Android.mk ...
including external/aac/Android.mk ...
including external/busybox/Android.mk ...
including external/bzip2/Android.mk ...
including external/checkpolicy/Android.mk ...
including external/e2fsprogs/Android.mk ...
including external/expat/Android.mk ...
including external/flac/Android.mk ...
including external/freetype/Android.mk ...
including external/fsck_msdos/Android.mk ...
including external/gcc-demangle/Android.mk ...
including external/genext2fs/Android.mk ...
including external/giflib/Android.mk ...
including external/gtest/Android.mk ...
including external/icu4c/Android.mk ...
including external/jhead/Android.mk ...
including external/jpeg/Android.mk ...
including external/libgsm/Android.mk ...
including external/liblzf/Android.mk ...
including external/libpng/Android.mk ...
including external/libselinux/Android.mk ...
including external/libsepol/Android.mk ...
including external/libvpx/Android.mk ...
including external/mksh/Android.mk ...
including external/openssl/Android.mk ...
including external/pigz/Android.mk ...
including external/protobuf/Android.mk ...
including external/qemu/Android.mk ...
including external/scrypt/Android.mk ...
including external/sepolicy/Android.mk ...
including external/sfntly/Android.mk ...
including external/skia/Android.mk ...
including external/sonivox/Android.mk ...
including external/speex/Android.mk ...
including external/sqlite/android/Android.mk ...
including external/sqlite/dist/Android.mk ...
including external/stlport/Android.mk ...
including external/tinyalsa/Android.mk ...
including external/tinycompress/Android.mk ...
including external/tremolo/Android.mk ...
including external/webp/Android.mk ...
including external/webrtc/Android.mk ...
including external/wpa_supplicant_8/Android.mk ...
including external/yaffs2/Android.mk ...
including external/zlib/Android.mk ...
including frameworks/av/camera/Android.mk ...
including frameworks/av/drm/common/Android.mk ...
including frameworks/av/drm/drmserver/Android.mk ...
including frameworks/av/drm/libdrmframework/Android.mk ...
including frameworks/av/drm/mediadrm/plugins/mock/Android.mk ...
including frameworks/av/media/common_time/Android.mk ...
including frameworks/av/media/libcpustats/Android.mk ...
including frameworks/av/media/libeffects/downmix/Android.mk ...
including frameworks/av/media/libeffects/factory/Android.mk ...
including frameworks/av/media/libeffects/loudness/Android.mk ...
including frameworks/av/media/libeffects/lvm/lib/Android.mk ...
including frameworks/av/media/libeffects/lvm/wrapper/Android.mk ...
including frameworks/av/media/libeffects/preprocessing/Android.mk ...
including frameworks/av/media/libeffects/proxy/Android.mk ...
including frameworks/av/media/libeffects/visualizer/Android.mk ...
including frameworks/av/media/libmedia/Android.mk ...
including frameworks/av/media/libmediaplayerservice/Android.mk ...
including frameworks/av/media/libnbaio/Android.mk ...
including frameworks/av/media/libstagefright/Android.mk ...
including frameworks/av/media/mediaserver/Android.mk ...
including frameworks/av/services/audioflinger/Android.mk ...
including frameworks/av/services/camera/libcameraservice/Android.mk ...
including frameworks/av/services/medialog/Android.mk ...
including frameworks/base/cmds/bootanimation/Android.mk ...
including frameworks/base/cmds/screencap/Android.mk ...
including frameworks/base/libs/androidfw/Android.mk ...
including frameworks/base/services/input/Android.mk ...
including frameworks/base/tools/aapt/Android.mk ...
including frameworks/native/cmds/installd/Android.mk ...
including frameworks/native/cmds/servicemanager/Android.mk ...
including frameworks/native/libs/binder/Android.mk ...
including frameworks/native/libs/diskusage/Android.mk ...
including frameworks/native/libs/gui/Android.mk ...
including frameworks/native/libs/input/Android.mk ...
including frameworks/native/libs/ui/Android.mk ...
including frameworks/native/opengl/libagl/Android.mk ...
including frameworks/native/opengl/libs/Android.mk ...
including frameworks/native/opengl/tests/Android.mk ...
including frameworks/native/services/batteryservice/Android.mk ...
including frameworks/native/services/connectivitymanager/Android.mk ...
including frameworks/native/services/powermanager/Android.mk ...
including frameworks/native/services/sensorservice/Android.mk ...
including frameworks/native/services/surfaceflinger/Android.mk ...
including frameworks/opt/emoji/Android.mk ...
including hardware/akm/AK8975_FS/akmdfs/Android.mk ...
including hardware/akm/AK8975_FS/libsensors/Android.mk ...
including hardware/broadcom/libbt/Android.mk ...
including hardware/broadcom/wlan/bcmdhd/Android.mk ...
including hardware/conn_init/Android.mk ...
including hardware/invensense/Android.mk ...
including hardware/libhardware/Android.mk ...
including hardware/libhardware_legacy/Android.mk ...
including hardware/qcom/audio/Android.mk ...
including hardware/qcom/bt/Android.mk ...
including hardware/qcom/camera/Android.mk ...
including hardware/qcom/display/Android.mk ...
build/core/copy_headers.mk:15: warning: overriding recipe for target '/home/cedian/phablet/out/target/product/bacon/obj/include/qcom/display/copybit.h'
build/core/copy_headers.mk:15: warning: ignoring old recipe for target '/home/cedian/phablet/out/target/product/bacon/obj/include/qcom/display/copybit.h'
build/core/copy_headers.mk:15: warning: overriding recipe for target '/home/cedian/phablet/out/target/product/bacon/obj/include/qcom/display/copybit_priv.h'
build/core/copy_headers.mk:15: warning: ignoring old recipe for target '/home/cedian/phablet/out/target/product/bacon/obj/include/qcom/display/copybit_priv.h'
including hardware/qcom/keymaster/Android.mk ...
including hardware/qcom/media-caf-new/Android.mk ...
including hardware/qcom/power/Android.mk ...
including hardware/qcom/wlan/qcwcn/Android.mk ...
including hardware/ril/libril/Android.mk ...
including hardware/ril/librilutils/Android.mk ...
including hardware/ril/reference-ril/Android.mk ...
including hardware/ril/rild/Android.mk ...
including hardware/samsung_slsi/exynos5/Android.mk ...
including hardware/ti/omap3/Android.mk ...
including hardware/ti/omap4xxx/Android.mk ...
including hardware/ti/wlan/mac80211/Android.mk ...
including hardware/ti/wpan/Android.mk ...
including prebuilts/tools/linux-x86/sdl/Android.mk ...
including sdk/emulator/mksdcard/Android.mk ...
including sdk/emulator/opengl/Android.mk ...
including sdk/emulator/qtools/Android.mk ...
including system/core/Android.mk ...
including system/extras/ext4_utils/Android.mk ...
including system/media/audio_route/Android.mk ...
including system/media/audio_utils/Android.mk ...
including system/media/camera/src/Android.mk ...
including system/media/camera/tests/Android.mk ...
including system/security/keystore/Android.mk ...
including system/security/softkeymaster/Android.mk ...
including system/vold/Android.mk ...
including ubuntu/assets/Android.mk ...
including ubuntu/libhybris/compat/camera/Android.mk ...
including ubuntu/libhybris/compat/input/Android.mk ...
including ubuntu/libhybris/compat/media/Android.mk ...
including ubuntu/libhybris/compat/surface_flinger/Android.mk ...
including ubuntu/libhybris/compat/ui/Android.mk ...
including ubuntu/platform-api/android/hybris/Android.mk ...
including ubuntu/upstart-property-watcher/Android.mk ...
build/core/Makefile:32: warning: overriding recipe for target '/home/cedian/phablet/out/target/product/bacon/system/etc/apns-conf.xml'
build/core/base_rules.mk:529: warning: ignoring old recipe for target '/home/cedian/phablet/out/target/product/bacon/system/etc/apns-conf.xml'
PRODUCT_COPY_FILES device/sample/etc/apns-full-conf.xml:system/etc/apns-conf.xml ignored.
PRODUCT_COPY_FILES device/oppo/msm8974-common/audio/audio_policy.conf:system/etc/audio_policy.conf ignored.
PRODUCT_COPY_FILES device/oppo/msm8974-common/audio/mixer_paths.xml:system/etc/mixer_paths.xml ignored.
No private recovery resources for TARGET_DEVICE bacon
device/oneplus/bacon/mkbootimg.mk:47: warning: overriding recipe for target '/home/cedian/phablet/out/target/product/bacon/boot.img'
build/core/Makefile:489: warning: ignoring old recipe for target '/home/cedian/phablet/out/target/product/bacon/boot.img'
make: *** No rule to make target 'adsprpcd'. Stop.
[/code] -
It gives the error no such file or directory when building apparmor
[quote='mariogrip' pid='54' dateline='1434298331']
I tried to set console=null on my oneplus one and it gave me and kernel panic, so i really think you need to console=tty0 and remove androidboot.console.
[/quote]Hey @mariogrip !
Long time has past and I investigated a lot.
My device [b]can't boot without a console[/b] (for many reasons that I can't even totally explain).
So I need to find a way to fix the crash and make Ubuntu Touch accept console flags.
If you know some Canonical Devs, could you ask them why the console is disabled ? And even what's make the kernel crash ?