Fairphone with Android 6.0 Marshmallow
Hello, I am very new to UbuntuTouch. Im interesstet in the fairphone 2. You write that FP 2 is not flashable, if Android 6.0 Marshmallow is installed. At the site of Fairphone is only a device available with Android 6.0 Marshmallow. When doese it is supported? Your link "buy" leads to the fairphone homepage with a divice, is it a supportet version? Thank you for your help.
Or is a downgrade to 5.1 recomanded/ possible and than flash to ubuntu-touch?
Unfortunately, it's a problem with the hardware in the new screen module.. I don't believe that it will even work correctly on Android 5.1.
Darn I could not use UT because my left side of the screen was insensible. Now I got a replacement and now again it is not possible. Really!
Is there an ETA to get UT working on Andoid 6?
Found the same question here:
https://forums.ubports.com/topic/576/fairphone2-with-android-6-1 -
Thanks for the answeres, so I will wait for an UT-version for andro 6.x
I will get an old nexus 5 to come into UT and test it.