To add to the nextcloud / owncloud request. Apps for Notes and Bookmars which are synchronized with the Cloud would be awesome.

Best posts made by twinkybot
RE: OTA 3 suggestions: your wanted features
Another funding page
Hi there,
would it make sense also to publish UBports here: https://en.liberapay.com/
Maybe we could reach more people?Cheers.
Workshops at Locations
would it be an idea to have a kind of Coding Workshop at locations?
I personally find it hard to figure out how to get going with implemanting stuff for UT on my own. although there are some efforts done to make it easyIs anyone interested in this?
Might be worth as an entry in the https://ubports.com/events? -
UBports Stickers and stuff
I asked in the last Live Youtube discussion (but was overheard ;( :D) if one can provide the Stickers and give aways you used at the Ubuntu Convention?
I want to distribute some e.g. in Clean Code Meetups, which I organize, and other places.
To reach some more people in the hope we get still more developersCheers.
RE: OTA 3 suggestions: your wanted features
@guru said in OTA 3 suggestions: your wanted features:
Maybe someone could make a table of all the good proposals or feature requests and we can all vote up/down the requests and have at the end a list what matters most.
I started but have to go now: plesae continue. As lack of an idea where to put I created it on the wiki
OTA-3 wishlist -
RE: Ring.cx and a client for UT
I tried Ring recently and the chat messages were no that fast and the teleophny didn't work. To be honest I tried it only for couple minutes. I seems the P2P networks takes a bit to find a good route as far as I understood.
I will try again and report back.
A question in regards to privacy in UT
I was wondering as I undestood that Android is the Base of UT, how much can we then trust the system?
From https://redmine.replicant.us/boards/33/topics/5001?r=5013#message-5013
I got
Ubuntu Touch and Firefox OS are equally as bad as Android. I suggest you use a community Android version such as CyanogenMod or OmniROM if Replicant is not a possibility for youHow true is it and if so, what can be done about it?
RE: Workshops at Locations
Wow we are two
Hmm let's see. I am sitting in Munich and I could oragnize something but for this I really need someone who does know UT
We could use my office, which has plenty space and I might even be able to organize dinner
Depends if we can announce this in e.g MeetUp. -
Mattermost idea suggestion needs votes
Hi all,
if interested fin a nativ mattermost client please vote:
Latest posts made by twinkybot
RE: Donate anonymously 1€/$ by year to UBports, all Ubuntu Touch users can do it ! Demonstration...
Awesome this thread. It's still not dead
I saw that Liberapay is still used and the Foundation has an account there. That's why I still would suggest to show a banner on the donations page and not only Patreons.
People deliberatly spend anynomusly but it would still be good to show that there is also this kind of movement. -
RE: What happend to the diaspora channel?
@lakotaubp Aaaahh there are two accounts which I did not see.
ubports@diasp.ca is the old un-maintaned
Current account
ubports@diasp.org -
RE: What happend to the diaspora channel?
@3arn0wl UT thus becomes the only platform (I'm aware of)
As long as Purism fails with their PureOS and Llibrem 5, that is
What happend to the diaspora channel?
Hi there,
what happend to the UBPorts diaspora channel?
Why do you post rather on Facebook than on Diaspora?On the one hand you advertise security and less breach due to Open Source SW and then you do posts on Facebook. It's weird somehow.
Yes I do know the argument in order to reach more people that posts on Facebook are necessary. I still disagree.
Even Twitter is the same.
Either this projekt is also about getting away from big companies like Google or not.
In my point of view this is a failure of this project to keep using services which are known to exploit data of people.
But if you do not care about "Privacy Ensured" and "No Backdoors" then this should also be eliminated from https://ubuntu-touch.io/Cheers.
RE: Donate anonymously 1€/$ by year to UBports, all Ubuntu Touch users can do it ! Demonstration...
@libremax Just FYI, the widgets are ready to be integrated. There is one which just shows the number of patrons.
RE: Move from Github to Gitlab?
Furthermore I'd also see it, as said before by others, as a statement.
Actually there should be no discussion about the if but only about the when and how. -
RE: Move from Github to Gitlab?
I also would like to have a commitment to move to some other Repository.
With a time schedule which sounds reasonable.
So there seems to be also some other alternatives than GitLabMy personal favorite would be https://savannah.gnu.org/ which might be out because:
We host free projects that run on free operating systems and without any proprietary software dependencies.
The others might be
https://gogs.io/ -
RE: Donate anonymously 1€/$ by year to UBports, all Ubuntu Touch users can do it ! Demonstration...
I also tried this argument. To now avail
I asked for the the Liberapay widget to be put up at least which shows how much UBports is getting. A much better idea would be to ask Liberapay to create a widget which will only show the amount of supporters. So you do not have the names present but at least visotrs to the UBports page can see there are people who support this. -
RE: Workshops at Locations
You are welcome
So when do we get to listen to the interview or read the blog