Can you turn the phone into a single partition?
I was looking at the instructions for install and I think I really want the FAJITA. But do I have to dual boot it with Android or can I like make onebig Android 9 partition?
@totalrando Sorry but we don't support dual boot. It would be fully UT but you couls always flash it back if you felt the need.
@Lakotaubp OP6 is an A/B phone, which means it has 2 boot partitions and 2 system partitions. Dual booting this phone is a matter of telling it to boot from A, or B. It does certainly have problems - for instance, and android update might decide to install on the other side, overriding your ubports installation - but it's plausible.
@totalrando You can simply decide to keep your phone on "A" and just boot ubports, ignoring the other side. On your second question, please don't manipulate phone partitions. They aren't like laptop partitions, and messing with it can easily hard brick your device. I'd recommend you just keep them as is, run ubports, and maybe one day, we can do seamless upgrades using A/B as google once intended.
Maybe, if you know exactly what you are doing, you'll be able to pull it off. But I'm not nearly qualified enough to try, nor to tell you to do it
@rogier-oudshoorn I will remember that for the future. Thanks