Cell Service Providers for Nexus 5?
@fitz @dobey You can purchase sim adaptators https://www.amazon.fr/adaptateur-sim/s?k=adaptateur+sim
@keneda Yes, though they tend to not work well, in my experience.
@fitz Walmart Family Mobile runs my Nexus 4 just fine and it's 3G. Fairly confident it will run your Nexus 5 with a BYOD kit.
EDIT: which means Tracfone and other affiliates like Net10 likely will also.
I'm using my Nexus 5 with T-Mobile for a whopping $15.00 a month, BUT no data which is fine with me. If I want any data I find WiFi and I'm good to go.
@dobey and @Keneda and @TotalRando Went to T Mobile. They had adapters and set me up with a prepaid month on 2G for $15. Works fine, but like @Lt-Dillinger said... no data. That's fine with me too, but I'm also setting up a couple other Nexus 5's for my friends. They'd like to have a data plan, so I'll look into the Walmart situation for them. Thanks guys. That was all very helpful! Oh. What's a BYOD kit?
@fitz Bring Your Own Device. Basically a bunch of different SIM cards depending on which carrier was unlocked.
@fitz i went through this a month or so ago. Verizon and t-mobile would not activate. I have used ATT through net10 and tracfone. Get a tracfone byod sim kit for 1 dollar and 15 dollar air time card at you local big box store. easy activation for new number using att sim. Easy check for only 16 bux. After proving i could get the phone to work I ported my number to net10 successfully but that was a bigger ordeal. Net10 had better plan for my usage.
@fitz Weird that data isn't working. Are you sure you didn't understand it wrong? You get up to 2GB of data per month with T-Mobile Connect (which is the $15/2GB plan). I don't see anything about 2g network only on their site.
@totalrando Gotcha. Thanks.
@fitz No problem. I should mention I do get some sort of data on my plan (I assume 3G and a little 2G) on my Nexus 4.
@nigel-tufnel Okay. Thanks. I actually went to ATT before going to T Mobile. The kid there wasn't able to get my phone working, but perhaps he didn't know what he was doing. The phone connected to their network for a few seconds, but then disconnected and couldn't reconnect. As I said above, I am now connected on T Mobile... but without data. Are you able to get data through net10?
@dobey Perhaps they set me up with the wrong plan. They do have a no data plan. I'm going back in today or tomorrow to check.
@totalrando Good to hear.
@fitz Hmm, maybe I'll stop buy local store here and see if I can get one of the $15 connect SIMs, later.
@dobey Okay. So I had my phone set to "2G only." After switching to "2G/3G/4G," I'm all over the internet smokin' fast. This works as well as my iPhone. I am stoked! Thanks again to everyone here. I never would have figured this out without your help because all the service providers (including T Mobile) claim they don't support these phones.
@fitz Great! Glad you've got it working. Enjoy!
@fitz Make sure to tell customer service how well it works. You'd be surprised at how quickly they'll adopt that into their verbiage. :beaming_face_with_smiling_eyes:
My N5's work fine on Mint. Mint uses the T-Mobile network...so I am told by Mint.
Can anyone comment of the feasibility of VoLTE being integrated into Halium? This is why Verizon will not service the N5.
@rvan VoLTE will work on hallium when VoLTE will be handled by uTouch, wich is not for now.
@keneda - Thank you for answering my question regarding VoLTE for the N5. I would have been more surprised if someone responded indicating VoLTE was not an interest. Is there a projected timeline for VoLTE in the N5?
This is welcome news. I know the N5 is old but I like mine a lot. The screen quality for such a small phone is tremendous!