No sound in Fairphone3+
I flash the system with artifacts system. (system and boot)
But then i try to test, the sound does not workingI use:
Fairphone3+Not work:
Sound (speaker)Work:
Camera 12MP for Fairphone3What i buy:
Sound (speaker)
Camera 12MP for Fairphone3But still no sound in Fairphone3+
Maybe something is difference for Fairphone3 and Fairphone3+
Best regards
007fred50 -
That should work (if sound worked with android), then maybe you should restart from beginning, with first reinstalling the needed android rom.
@keneda Hello, i have try many time and still not working.
@007fred50 ok i believe it's normal as i can see here :
"no audio module on fp3+“
Hey @007fred50,
could you please specify, which part of audio ist not working:
- Loudspeaker, for example when playing videos oder listening to music
- Telephony-Speaker, for making calls
Additionally I will post my findings just for reference here:My Fairphone 3 Variant is FP3 (without plus).
I ordered new speaker-, camera- and topmodule, each the FP3+ variants.With Android9 and Halium9-Ubports:
- speaker (listening to music, watching videos) works
- camera does not work
- topmodule telephony audio and camera do not work
@luksus Hello,
I testet it out:
No sound in youtube in browser
No sound then i call to itFound new bug
i can't tage any callsBut the vibrator works
In settings -> Sound -> in ringer i can't move them up
Best Regards