Hi, i am searching for the firefox-esr-locale 78.8 packages in libertine are these esr build's still available via libertine?
seems only the newest build of firefox 88 is available when browsing through the archives. this one still crashes when trying loading tabs.
(running libertine on volla phone Ota -16 ).
entering the full Debian file from the arm64 list mentioned above, doesn't seem to come up with packages available.I did initiated a new container for installing firefox.
@mojones - I've uploaded the deb that I have tested to work in Libertine on Volla Phone (in both OTA-16 and OTA-17) at
https://www.totalsonic.net/ubuntu-touch/apps/firefox-esr_78.7.1esr_build1-0ubuntu0.16.04.1_arm64.debPeople may install this at their own risk.
Best regards,
Steve Berson -
@totalsonic Ok, relative noob question. How do I remove the "old" (newer) Firefox from the Libertine container so I can put this one in?
@totalsonic great, many thanks ! Works here to.
(Best disable adons ad-blocker if used) -
@totalrando - in Libertine gui - select container from list (default is
Ubuntu 'Xenial Xerus'
), and then select thefirefox
package, and swipe from left to right in order to reveal red trashcan icon. Click on icon, wait, done.In Terminal just enter
libertine-container-manager remove-package -p firefox
Best regards,
Steve Berson -
@totalrando - also - the package I have uploaded to my website that I posted link above is for arm64 devices only. I believe you are using the OnePlus One, in which case you need the armhf version.
Best regards,
Steve Berson -
@totalsonic Thanks-- I think I actually installed the wrong version with the deb file. Will try it now! (I wish I knew that earlier-- I ended up resetting my phone.)
EDIT: How do you build off this armhf page? General terminal instructions welcomed.
@totalrando - I haven't tested this latest esr update in Libertine yet - but you can download the current firefox-esr armhf deb for version 78.10 at the bottom of the page at https://launchpad.net/~mozillateam/+archive/ubuntu/ppa/+build/21502379
Best regards,
Steve Berson -
@totalsonic ok, I found the deb file. Unfortunately when I install with Libertine it creates the ESR container, but no icon shows up in tray. Any ideas?
@totalrando - make sure you delete any Firefox install before installing Firefox-esr. I've unfortunately often experienced where Libertine containers get "borked" and do not allow additional packages to be installed in them, and the only reliable way around that I've found is deleting the Libertine container and starting over. Perhaps someone else can chime in with a solution other than just "nuking" the container and going back to scratch.
Best regards,
Steve Berson -
@totalsonic Trying to nuke container now. Besides Abiword (which I won't be using till I figure out how to force convergence on this thing) I had nothing of value in it.
@totalrando - going off-topic of this thread, but for "convergence" on the OnePlus One my experience is that you will want two things:
- Microsoft Wireless Display Adapter hooked up to external display (I have used version 2 of this, you need a monitor with a full size HDMI & USB-A ports available)
- a blue tooth keyboard w/ trackpad (the iClever BK-08 works fine for this and has the advantage that it can be folded up to fit in your pocket)
Best regards,
Steve Berson -
@totalsonic Thank you. That sounds a lot better than the disaster I was planning.
@totalsonic No dice on FF yet. Going to verify I got the right one.
Hy guys, I'm on OPO (stable channel) and no version of Firefox is working (all crash on launch). Do you know where I can download 78.8 esr version? I can't find it (on launchpad.net there's no downloadable package and on debian packages there are newer versions).
@eltanque9 - ESR packages posted to Mozilla's page seem to have now been updated to version 91 - but this crashes tabs in my test of it. https://launchpad.net/~mozillateam/+archive/ubuntu/ppa/+packages
I will make my own download links for Firefox-esr 78 and will post them up when available.
Best regards,
Steve Berson -
@eltanque9 - oops, it seems I only have the ESR 78 deb saved for arm64. maybe someone else has that file.
Best regards,
Steve Berson -
@TotalSonic Thanks for your work and time, I really appreciate your contribute (I'm using your arm64 build on my OP3)
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