Manually refresh webapp?
Is there a way I can easily implement a manual refresh of a qtwebengine app?
I think I have seen that as a pull down gesture or so?
My ConverseJS qtwebengine app seems to sometimes get stuck after waking up from sleep and it would be nice to have a different way of making it work again then closing and reopening it.
@povoq Maybe you want to start here: -
@cibersheep Thanks.
I guess this would require pretty complex logic to make work with the standard clickable webapp container?
I guess I probably rather need to have some long-press modal similar to how it is done in Morph, but with a reload website button
@povoq Oh. Yep. You could use a qml with a webview... but, yeah I don't know any way of controlling the web in a basic webapp
So I made an feature request here:
But looking at the structure of the app, it seems to me like the long press modal that is available comes strait from the Morph browser.
Maybe there could be some additional long press modal options available when Morph is used as an embedded browser to offset the lack of a address-bar?