Meizu Pro5 fastboot mode locked
@Stefano said in Meizu Pro5 fastboot mode locked:
@halucigenia even International version has to have this flashed in order to unlock the bootloader. I pasted link to a downloaded file, ready to be flashed.
I am going to have to start quoting what I respond to rather than just replying I see...
Yes, I just responded to this piece of information regarding the my previous response "Thanks, but I think that is for the Chinese version. I am sure that mine is an international version" was to this post.
@Stefano said in Meizu Pro5 fastboot mode locked:
@halucigenia you need to do exactly what is stated on this site:
Once the Chinese id is changed you can unlock the bootloader and then the rest is easy. Just follow the steps.Sometimes, the posts being out of order to what you are responding to gets confusing.
However, you are being very helpful so thanks for that. -
@halucigenia you just plug the phone to PC and copy the to your sdcard(internal storage) not to any folder, just to sdcard.
(( if you downloaded the from my link, it will say You need to rename it to : in order to be able to update in recovery.))
Then when rebooted to recovery and select: SYSTEM UPGRADE and also CLEAR DATA (the phone will look up the and will wipe the phone as well so save your data somewhere else)
It takes some time to update it and then reboot
Once in Flyme, enable developer options, usb debugging.
Reboot to fastboot and type : sudo fastboot oem unlockReboot the bootloader to check if it says ,,unlocked''
From there you can try direct flash either with Ubports installer, MDT or terminal command.
Good luck. -
@Stefano said in Meizu Pro5 fastboot mode locked:
@halucigenia you just plug the phone to PC and copy the to your sdcard(internal storage) not to any folder, just to sdcard. Then when rebooted to recovery and select: SYSTEM UPGRADE and also CLEAR DATA (the phone will look up the and will wipe the phone as well so save your data somewhere else)
It takes some time to update it and then reboot
Once in Flyme, enable developer options, usb debugging.
Reboot to fastboot and type : sudo fastboot oem unlockReboot the bootloader to check if it says ,,unlocked''
From there you can try direct flash either with Ubports installer, MDT or terminal command.
Good luck.Stefano stated "you just plug the phone to PC and copy the to your sdcard(internal storage) not to any folder, just to sdcard."
And another piece of the jigsaw comes into place.
I will get a nice shiny new micro SD card on the way home just for this.Thank you very much Stefano.
@halucigenia no my friend, not to externalSD card, just to your phone storage (hence sdcard/internal storage) , not to any folder, otherwise the recovery won't find it.
@Stefano said in Meizu Pro5 fastboot mode locked:
@halucigenia no my friend, not to externalSD card, just to your phone storage (hence sdcard/internal storage) , not to any folder, otherwise the recovery won't find it.
Thanks, I was confusing the terminology, SD card to me means something different to internal storage.
Well, it turns out that I do have a Chinese version Pro5.
I thought that since I did have an English GUI that it was international.
I even reset to factory settings again and went through choosing English language again to confirm this.
Trying to install the returns a "Firmware Corrupt" message.Once I managed to root and install the android term app
I saw that using
cat /dev/block/platform/15570000.ufs/by-name/proinfo from the androidterm app
it listed
Which according to the xda tutorial means Chineseafter following the instructions from
this changed to
machine_type=M576_intl_officialHowever, even after following those instructions I still can't get the from xda to install.
Trying to install the still returns a "Firmware Corrupt" message.
The from Stefano also results in a "Firmware Corrupt" message. -
@halucigenia You did not installed the correct Terminal app and/busybox app, therefore the changes are only temp and after reboot it rolls back to chinese.
I have just retried from scratch again and made sure that Flyme OS was installed first, which I may have missed last time.
I now have an un-locked bootloader in the flyme version downloaded from xda.I am just starting to follow the procedures here:-
as neither Ubports installer or MDT seemed to allow a Pro5 install and phablet-tools seems to be unavailable on Kubuntu 17.10.@Stefano Please let me know if those instructions should now work for me.
@halucigenia did you downgraded the Flyme to that version mentioned in that post? Newer versions of Flyme were patched by Meizu to prevent the unlocking of bootloader and chnging ID to Global/International.
@halucigenia oh yes, that's correct. That is my backup of Ubuntu-touch/15.04/stable/r1(ota-1).
Just follow the steps and it should work. -
@Stefano OK I tried, but each time I installed the zip file it returned errors:-
"Could not find 'META-INF/com/google/android/update-binary' in the zip file"What do I do now?
@halucigenia You need to unpack/unzip it and then to restore the backup. I had to compress it when I uplodaed it.
@Stefano OK, I now have the folder Ubports_ota1 in /sdcard/TWRP/BACKUPS
and can navigate to it but it won't let me proceed - there is no option to install after selecting the folder. -
@halucigenia Restore backup, not install
Rebbot recovery first -
@Stefano said in Meizu Pro5 fastboot mode locked:
@halucigenia Restore backup, not install
Rebbot recovery firstAh, OK, got it. But it had to be copied to the /sdcard/TWRP/BACKUPS/M86 directory before the restore function could see it.
@halucigenia As I said, follow the steps provided.
Once you've done it, there is an update available, but it only will be installed after you flash the ubuntu recovery. fastboot flash recovery recovery-turbo.imgLet me know if you succeeded.
@Stefano installed and updated to UBports v2.
Thank you so much for your help.
@halucigenia Enjoy the Ubuntu Touch on your Pro 5
If I get the chance I will see if I can compile an instruction set for a step by step how-to.
I am glad for you!
Congratulations for not giving up! It took me about three days to do it a year ago... Welcome!