Cosmo Communicator
The solution was to declare the existing french cosmo layout in the evdev.xml file. I added :<variant> <configItem> <name>fr</name> <shortDescription>fr</shortDescription> <description>French (Cosmo Communicator)</description> <languageList> <iso639Id>fr</iso639Id> </languageList> </configItem> </variant>
in the "planet" section as explained here :
Then the Cosmo communicator layout appears in the variants of French in the physical keyboard menu of UT. Didn't touch to the layout file at all.
Thanks both of you for the tips. Works perfectly now.
@mou-du-gnu I pushed my exploration of UT on Cosmo with a french keyboard further.
The keyboard layout works perfectly on UT and apps.
I tried to install a couple linux apps in a Libertine container and suddenly I'm back to sort of a qwerty layout. The keyboard layout indicator in UT switches to "En" (English Cosmo communicator, UK) wich explains the issue. I haven't found a way to revert to a French layout.
As soon as I go back to an app in UT, the layout is correct again. -
@moncon - Very nice instructions, thank you. Can you tell us more about the full functionality of Ubuntu Touch on Cosmo Communicator (i.e. What works and what doesn't work)?
@prometheus I am running UBports on Cosmo Communicators for a year. The coverage is not complete, but it might fit your needs, see
@sven - Thanks sven! Just was wondering if 4G calling, text, email, data and wifi along with respective notifications were working reliably since "Port Progress" shows "Inactive".
4G calling, a.k.a. VoLTE is not handled by uTouch, no matter what phone you'll try, for now. -
@prometheus Wifi works reliably (except the hotspot, but this is broken on many UBports devices). I have no SIM card, so I cannot report about mobile data.
@keneda - Thanks for the 4G/VoLTE issue heads up. Do you know if at least 3G voice, text, and data along with notifications are working reliably on Cosmo/UBports?
@sven - Thanks again sven!
Can't tell you as i don't have Cosmo.
But it works perfectly well on my MX4. -
Curious - does the outside screen on the Communicator just always stay blank with UT, or does it display something?
Best regards,
Steve Berson -
@totalsonic It is on per default, but does not show anything useful and battery will drain even if the cosmo is turned off. So, better turn the CoDi off. (How? I can provide a link to a relevant topic, if needed.)
@prometheus I've been running Ubuntu Touch on Cosmo since November, and as my only device (pda, phone, laptop, shopping list, torch) since April until the network connection recently went bad. I don't think it's a Ubuntu Touch issue, I've reflashed and tried Debian and even Ugly Android and the problem remains. It's still my constant companion as a UT-PDA, but now my PinePhone is my phone, which is entertaining at times but that's another thread.
Looking at I think the 'What works' section is about right, but I think the summary under 'Automated Usability' is a bit harsh. Until I lost the network connection mine worked very well as a phone (and everything else).
By the way @TotalSonic @Sven, I was getting notifications on my CoDi for incoming calls and LED for SMS (I think there was a limitation from day one on any OS where it would only show the callers name for the first couple of hundred contacts and after that just the numbers) but I've also disabled it for battery since the network connection disappeared. If I got the network back tomorrow I'd probably leave it powered down and try a PineTime instead. In essence a Gemini with a backlit keyboard and a remote CoDi.
As for the 'Status (Inactive)', I think it's still getting attention by NotKit and others, and I still get regular updates on Development channel, but perhaps the 'inactive' status reflects that the CC doesn't have the UBports installer tool and needs a more manual approach to install. I don't know.
In summary, I've been more than happy running Ubuntu Touch on my Cosmo, but that's my use case and expectations, YMMV. If you happen to have a Cosmo I would recommend giving UT a whirl, if not maybe wait and see what happens with the Astro Slide or the Pro1-X. -
Apologies for the delay in replying, been a bit busy. -
@moncon - No worries! Thank you so much for the detailed and encouraging response. I just ordered a CC for Christmas and will surely install Debian and UT now with your recommendation. By the way, I was running UBports UT on my Pixel 3a XL and digging it until the cell network modem died (FYI: The modem hardware had issues before UBports UT install). Anyway, hope my CC wasn't manufactured and assembled on a Friday
Thanks again. Cheers!
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