Ubports Installer - phone remains stuck in boot process
@hey-there : in the Google Nexus 5 section there is a thread called 'stuck at boot startscreen'. In the last post there might be a solution. By the way: you've put your thread in the LG section, but there is a Nexus 5 section. I don't know if you can change it. Probably an admin of this forum is needed for that.
@alter Thanks for your response Alter, I'll look right away.
I did try to look for a subject under Nexus 5, but I couldn't find on listed as such so I stuck with LG. I'll see if i can change it.
Thanks again. -
@alter Just checked the forum, there doesn't appear to be a real solution spelled out in black and white.
The most I'm able to gather is that it has something to do with the updates that may be causing this issue to occur and that attempting to reinstall the app might fix it.
Not too much to go on besides chance, though
A arubislander moved this topic from LG on
(I moved the topic to the Google Nexus 5 category)
@hey-there There are a few things to try.
Firstly type adb devices in your command promt (your using windows) and see if your nexus is detected. If it is just try the installer again and choose the wipe option. If it's not detected you only have UT recovery installed. Try using https://forum.xda-developers.com/t/official-tool-windows-adb-fastboot-and-drivers-15-seconds-adb-installer-v1-4-3.2588979/ installes system wide. Remove all other adb versions first.
You can also try booting while connected to a power supply to rule out battery issues and the good old hard tap of the power button on a table top or such. There is a known issue with some power buttons. -
@hey-there : sorry, I was a little hasty with my reply and didn't read the post that I referred to well enough. I thought the switching to devel channel did the trick. I'm glad @Lakotaubp gave you some new directions and I hope they prove to be the solution to your problem! Let us know as it might help others.
By the way, thanks @arubislander for putting this thread in the Nexus 5 category. -
It's alright guys, I just entered the bootloader mode in the phone and tried flashing it user the Ubports Installer again with my own desktop (linux) and it worked like a charm.
Still not sure what happened back then, but it's fine now. (Maybe it had something to do with the OS, I don't know)
Everything appears to be working fine, but for some reason I can't send files via bluetooth from Android devices, which is the only issue I'm having with it.
But thanks for the help guys
@hey-there : great to hear that the new install was succesful!
@hey-there Good news please mark as solved https://forums.ubports.com/topic/6311/how-to-ask-a-question-and-then-mark-it-as-solved
L Lakotaubp referenced this topic on
@lakotaubp Done & done