Does anybody know about any plans for a port for Xiaomi Redmi 10 Pro? I know it is very similar to Xiaomi 9 Pro which already has UT. A difference would be the AMOLED display - and that is why I would like the 10 Pro.
I am looking to switch from my old Meizu Pro 5 to a newer UT device which would support Waydroid.
Thank you for any input!
Check XDA for any Projects too : https://forum.xda-developers.com/f/redmi-note-10-pro.12117/?prefix_id=33
If there is nothing mentioned there and also nothing mentioned on this forum then you are out of luck I guess
I do see some LineageOS Custom ROM Projects there so you could try using those as the base to port Ubuntu Touch to the Xiaomi Redmi 10 Pro if you have any software development skills ?
@mihael PLease see https://forums.ubports.com/topic/206/will-you-port-to-device-x and if you want to have a go at starting a port https://forums.ubports.com/topic/2068/halium-first-steps
L Lakotaubp moved this topic from Devices on
Thank you all!