I have an old tablet, Lenovo miix 2 11, and would like to use this with a faster and less communicative OS than Windows.Is there a list of supported desktop devices?
All I found was, that due to the number of possible devices, desktops are listed as beta.
Is there a list or something like that, e.g. prefered hardware, known bugs,...? -
No, as you can install Ubuntu with desk tops, UT is aimed at tablets and phones. This tablet is not on the supported list.
You may be able to install Ubuntu desktop on it, but read up before hand and expect things not to work, such as Wi-Fi. It has its limitations with 2Gb of RAM and the UEFI BIOS is a pain. -
L Lakotaubp moved this topic from Devices on
@drakrochma Please see https://forums.ubports.com/topic/206/will-you-port-to-device-x as to why I moved this post. Thanks