Its related to docker installation on 3a
I installed and started the service but modprobe for kernel version doesn’t exists. Can anyone help me installing this? I need to install linux-image-extra-4.9.124-gc55cb608e55a-ab142 can someone help me with this? Or else let me know whether is it possible to install docker on UT if yes please let me know the steps.
@lordkrs You need to be more specific: what device, which UT version and branch, and so on... I guess you're using libertine ? Anyway I guess the answer is pretty straightforward: if you need another module built into the kernel, you need to rebuild the UT image with that module added to the kernel. You'll likely run into some issues: first, UT is built against a 3.x.x Linux kernel, which Docker might very well find outdated; and also modifying the kernel will yield an increased image size, which is not trivial, since UT images are tailored to fit in original android partitions - you would need to resize these as well, given it's even possible.
@emphrath noted. I am new to this forum. Ill go through the forum guidelines. Thanks
@lordkrs Docker will probably not work in libertine. Libertine creates unprivileged containers and it is not obvious that Docker would be able to run properly in those. Furthermore Docker is a daemon, and daemons are not supported in Libertine.
Is there something specific you are trying to do? Maybe there is another way to do it, more compatible with how UT works