How to Install Ubuntu Touch on the Jingpad A1/C1
Last night I installed Ubuntu Touch on the JingPad C1. Thanks for all of the posts here as this install took a lot of attempts.
A note: I unlocked the bootloader in Windows and ran the up-ports installer on Linux. I did not try to unlock the bootloader in Linux.
Thanks again for all of the pointers. Now, on to the donations page. The best way for individuals to support free and open source software.
@el_pinguino yes! Supporting it's the best way to help.
So glad I stumbled on this! I was about to junk the Jingpad as it is the worst thing I had ever bought
I didn't have a windows machine (I do now, I upgraded and left the windows alone for a change, to update the bios etc.) so all of the updates I couldn't do.
Will try to do this over the weekend.
I there!
I'm trying to install Ubuntu Touch on my JingPad (yeah, not done yet) and I'm getting this error:
Error: fastboot:flash: Error: Flashing failed. This error code means that the device is locked, but I would say it is (screenshot added)
And then error code 1
When starting de device, it says:
Lock Flag is: Unlock.
I don't have the lastest version of JingOS, if needed, how can I install it?
Any idea of what's happening? I'm using UBports Installer 0.95
Thanks!!! -
@aam42 said in How to Install Ubuntu Touch on the Jingpad A1/C1:
I have a problem!
I have the following message on the screen, and using the Power/VolDown reboot, I always come back to this message. I waited 5-6 hours last night with UBPorts installer running before eventually closing down.
I have the same problem. My device starts with the unlock message and shows the jingpad logo, vibrates and turns off again. I cannot enter the recovery mode. I tried every combination, as well es the mississippi trick. If I disconnect it from the charger it tells me I have to charge and does nothing. Literally I can't do anything
Does someone has a trick how I can charge the device? Thx
@el_pinguino said in How to Install Ubuntu Touch on the Jingpad A1/C1:
Last night I installed Ubuntu Touch on the JingPad C1. Thanks for all of the posts here as this install took a lot of attempts.
A note: I unlocked the bootloader in Windows and ran the up-ports installer on Linux. I did not try to unlock the bootloader in Linux.
Thanks again for all of the pointers. Now, on to the donations page. The best way for individuals to support free and open source software.
Greetings @el_pinguino,
I would be SUPER INTERESTED in how you were able to install UT using Linux. I've tried numerous times with ZERO success.
Since this guide is for Windows, I might go attempt that as I do have a Windows machine which I used to a) flash the JingOS and b) unlock the bootloader with the Chrome tool. But, I'd LOVE to do the UT install with Linux! I was unsuccessful at unlocking the bootloader in Linux ... but I did try!
Thanks for any help you might be able to provide.
When I connect the Jingpad to my Linux box, and fire up UBports, I get the attached. Going to try the Windows way next.
EDIT: Windows UBports reported the same thing.
@footer Did you select the option to 'select device manually'?
Also, when you attach the JingPad to either computer can you see the device with adb in a terminal app?
I installed UT 6 or so months ago and my memory is quite foggy but I do remember it took me a couple of tries to get the combination of the tablet and the PC right to install.
It seems to me that the process that worked was to boot the JingPad to where adb could see it and then start the installer and the installer would automatically detect the tablet.
I used Windows to unlock the bootloader and Linux to install the OS.
@tsebastiani @KornClown7
I managed well to unlock with subut and fastboot
(after generating my own unlock.bin and by saying
./fastboot_A1 flashing unlock_bootloader unlock.bin
in a linux terminal.)After successfully unlocking:
Unfortunately, when I ran the UBPorts installer,
I put the JingPad into fastboot mode.
The installation process kind of started but stalled after a while
losing the USB connection.After that I never again managed to get back to the bootloader menu,
even by closely following your instructions to overcome the loopINFO: LOCK FLAG IS : UNLOCK!!
WARNING: LOCK FLAG IS : UNLOCK, SKIP VERIFY!!!I did manage to occasionally start an adb shell and quickly say
reboot -f recovery
which, when the JingOS was still installed, would always safely bring me back to the bootloader menu.
Despite of not being able to enter the bootloader menu, I could even re-enter fastboot mode
by sayingreboot -f bootloader
in the adb shell.
From fastboot mode I could also boot into fastboot mode by saying./fastboot_A1 reboot bootloader
I do not know, which other reboot options would have brought me into the bootloader menu,
but by now, the JingPad never ever even offers my a USB connection any more.
It just keeps cycling with the messageINFO: LOCK FLAG IS : UNLOCK!!
WARNING: LOCK FLAG IS : UNLOCK, SKIP VERIFY!!!when USB-connected to power plug or to my Linux laptop,
or switches off after a few cycles when not connedted.But now the JingPad always starts without vibrating!.
Before it always vibrated, when I pushed the power button,
while it did not vibrate when I pushed power + vol-down.Did I now completely brick the device?
Will the battery be going down more and more?
Can I still charge it without an operating system installed?
Can/should I somehow re-flash the ROM?
What was exactly my mistake?
How can I fix it?
Did anyone take shots of the webpages like
before they took them offline?
Thanks for any replies or help.
@miy I had the same problem as you and I believe I posted how I resolved the bootloop in the Jing forums. But they are gone now.
It seems to me that when you want to shutdown the JingPad when it is in this state you have to hold the power button in and wait for two things to happen. 1) the familiar buzz and 2) about 10 seconds or so later you'll see something flash across the screen. This is when you release the power button.
Wait a few minutes before trying to reboot into recovery. When you do boot to recovery I find pushing the power button + 1 second then volume down and wait for the Jingpad logo then release and wait 20 seconds or so. You should have a recovery menu.
It has been a while since I had to do this and I'm working from memory. I've pretty much given up on UT on the JingPad. Good luck!!!
Hi @miy
Did you manage to revive your Jingpad?
If yes, can you please tell what you did?