Getting from Lineage to UBports on Oneplus 6?
@lakotaubp Thank you!
@mrt10001 OK, I got OB25 (as you suggested) set up on my OP6...I checked it on About Phone and it showed it to be Android 9 indeed. So, I rebooted and then started the Installer.....went about half way through until it gets to where you have to reboot into recovery with the vol-up and power key. That wont work if you physically do the reboot to recovery does not start with the power cord still in. You can get it to reboot once with the fastboot command from the PC. But then no more. Then when the installer tries to do an adb...and cannot find a device. You have to pull the cord to do a physical reboot....and then connection to the device is lost and adb just keeps trying to find the device when you plug the cord back in. This is what happened also when I tried booting from Lineage...exact same problem.
And this is the screen I get when I do vol-Up + Power. There are a number of screens: Reboot Boot Loader, Reboot to Recovery,etc after this and you have to choose which one using the Vol-Down and then Power to execute.
Currently I am stuck in a loop. I managed the above by using TWRP and installing OB25 from external storage. That worked great until I hit the adb problem and, of course, TWRP was wiped and now I cannot install TWRP as the followig command
~/ISOetc/platform-tools$ fastboot getvar current-slot
current-slot: a
Finished. Total time: 0.002sgives me the 'a' slot...(where as previously it gave me the b slot to install TWRP into)....and installing TWRP into the a slot does not give me a working TWRP...not sure why....or how I can get back to installing TWRP into the b slot!!
@dunbrokin Go back to the beginning. Install Android 9. Ensure you have enabled Developer Options and USB debugging. Then follow the install instructions. As you have discovered, the phone doesn't always boot into UT recovery when plugged into the PC, so disconnect and boot into recovery. You should be at UT recovery, plug back in, the installer should detect the device and the install will continue.
It does take patience and if it goes awry stepping back and working out what is wrong. I have lost count the number of times I have started from scratch on a device and eventually got it installed.
You will get there.
@mrt10001 Thanks for that. Currently I cannot install Android 9 as I cannot install TWRP due to the slot a problem. How do I manipulate things to so that I can get slot b as the install for TWRP.
@dunbrokin Read this.
Be careful. You can also run TWRP from fastboot without flashing it, using the command:
fastboot boot recovery <location of your TWRP image file>
You only need TWRP to ensure the data partition is set to EXT4.
Get back to Android and start from scratch. Messing with the slots can create confusion.
Check this for getting back to stock.
$ fastboot boot recovery twrp.img
fastboot: error: cannot load 'recovery': No such file or directoryHmmm!
Which zip are they talking about here that has flash-all.bat in it....the OB25 rollback does not seem to contain it?
If I flash fastboot boot twrp.img....I just end up with the Fastbot Mode screen...and it goes nowhere!
Actually just ignore all the above. I managed to get a TWRP.img installed and have now got OB25 again working. So, finally, after much help from you....and lots of hours and fiddling around, I am back to square 1! Horray!
Well, got the whole way through the install a couple of times (so some progress was made!)...but never booted up into UT....still stuck on the bootloader warning screen.
Here are my logs in case anybody is interested......they do not seem to show any major failure! Oooops! they are jpgs (4 of them) so are too big to put on here. If they would be useful, let me know and I can send them by email.
Tried running the Installer again...and doing all the resets as soft resets rather than the hard Volup+Power. Still the same problem. Stuck at matter what I do ..with or without the cord plugged in, there is no adb connection!
@dunbrokin On your PC install Android Studio. This will give you the most up to date ADB and fastboot drivers - since I have used this, I have had few issues with any ROM install. It is better than messing around installing old drivers.
Make sure you are not using USB 3 (it hasn't caused me an issue, but has to some).
Make sure your USB cable is ok, some power and aren't good at data transfer, some are just worn out. I literally have around at least 100 cables to hand and I still had to buy a certain brand for a Samsung device (Syncwire brand braided cable).
You are getting so far, you have an issue with ADB, so it is most likely a PC driver as you have run fastboot ok and you have transferred the zip file to the device ok.
Also your devices data partition is formatted to EXT4 (this is usually default on OPO6)?
I would have a quick look in TWRP to make sure, you should not need to install Android again, install Android Studio (it is large), reboot the PC and run the UT installer again.
Thank you for your constant support and is greatly appreciated!I will give it another try tomorrow following your suggestion. Is there a way of doing it without using the Installer?
@dunbrokin No, not really (if you are a developer and porting there is a way, but it is not easy as I have found out (not a developer)).
~/ISOetc/Studio/android-studio/bin$ adb reboot
error: no devices/emulators foundStill no luck! Sorry!
Ignore that! The good news is that I got it to work....I am in ubuntu touch....that is the good news.....I have no idea how it happened!....and gestures do not work properly so navigation is really a pain!
For anybody following the saga, this is what I think happened. I was in a recovery loop and could not get the standard twrp.img to work...i.e. could not load it. I noticed in OB25, after unipping, had a twrp image called TWRP.img. I managed to fastboot load that. Then using that I loaded the latest Lineage version on to the phone as I was getting very weary of trying to get UBports installed; and thought I would just put Lineage on instead. Lakotaubp persuaded me to have another go and so I loaded OB25 on to my phone. I then tried the installer about 3 times and each time the soft reboot (fastboot) and got to the end...there was an error each time...something about not recognising the device (it would be nice, when the error is flagged if one could copy and paste the details so that the bug could be reported)...While the installer said it had completed the install, it never booted into UBPorts.
I downloaded Android Studio as recommended by Lakotaubp (thank you for all your help, encouragement and are a champ!) and installed that. I don't think, to be honest that this was what made it work. I noticed that there was another recovery program on my device (apart from the stock recovery given by VolUp + Power) - left behind by Lineage I think; as it had the Lineage logo.
Today, in desperation and convinced it would be my last effort, I gave it one more final install. This time instead of the soft reboot, I did hard reboots. I ended up with the usual adb searching for device. Normally to get back into recovery mode, you have to unplug the power chord. This time after the hard recovery I noticed it booted into the Lineage Recovery as opposed to the stock idea why I used the reboot and recover buttons on that recovery image....and, Hey Presto! it worked and booted into UBPorts. ....however there is a problem with the gestures...and that makes it a pain to set up and naviagte.
@dunbrokin Think that was @MrT10001 with the abdroid studio thing but good news you are up and running. What exactly is happening with the navigation problem.
When I originally got UBports installed it started off with a demonstration of dragging from the bottom to reveal something or other...and dragging from the left to reveal the pinned apps....but following the demonstration with my finger gave nothing...I had to try and find different ways of stopping the demonstration as the expected way did not work and hence took ages to reveal what was below the drag screen.