FP4 on cricket wireless US?
Does anyone know if FP4 will work with cricket wireless in the USA? I see that the network bands appear to be supported but I know Cricket is sort of silly about the devices they support.
First of all, for now UT doesn't support VoLTE, so
if cricket did not shut down 3G and earlier, then you should be able to use phoning with UT, but if they moved to VoLTE (phoning by 4G and later), then you will not be able to use phoning directly, you'll have to go throug SIP protocol untill VoLTE ported on UT (work, hard, in progress).This is not dependant to the FP4 supported or not by them (=whitelisted device or not), that you should ask directly to them.
@keneda Ugh yes they shut down 3g in Feb 2022. That is really unfortunate as I was hoping to at least use UBtouch with a pixel 3a for the time being but calling not working is sort of a deal breaker for me. Thank you for pointing this out.
As i said, it is possible to workaround the VoLTE issue using SIP calling protocol, there is a telegram group for the "how to". -
@keneda Is there instructions in the standard ubports telegram group or could you link me to the group so I can find them?
Well, sadly i don't know the direct link, but i bet you can get the info on the main telegram UT channel.See here : https://forums.ubports.com/topic/7536/volte-voice-over-long-term-evolution/14?_=1679516132860
Edit : direct link is in the thread i gave you
But read the thread still ^^